Flow Music by Monty Cash

Patreon for 'Flow Music' being launched soon - Subscribe here!


Rediscovering the Power of Music: An In-Depth Journey into Alternative Music Tutoring

Flow Music by Monty Cash is a music tutoring consultancy service where we embark on a unique and transformative approach to learning music. In this essay, we delve deeper into the value and benefits of his method, providing you with an in-depth understanding of the profound impact it can have on your musical journey.


Cultivating Creativity

At the core of this approach is the belief that music is a vehicle for self-expression and creativity. Students are encouraged to tap into their own creative potential, guiding them to explore music from a fresh perspective. By fostering a nurturing environment that values intuitive learning, students are empowered to develop their unique musical voice and bring their ideas to life.


Deepening Musical Understanding

Beyond technical proficiency, our method delves into the essence of music itself. We embark on a journey through traditional modes/scales and rhythms, unraveling the cultural and historical contexts of various musical styles. This exploration deepens our understanding of music as a rich tapestry of human expression, connecting us to different traditions and expanding our musical horizons.


Mindful and Meditative Practice

In our video sessions, the power of mindfulness and meditation is embraced. By incorporating a single-tone drone and fostering a focused mindset, we create an environment conducive to self-reflection, concentration, and achieving a state of flow for the specific purpose of musical exploration. This mindful approach allows us to unlock new levels of musical awareness and tap into the transformative potential of music as a meditative practice.


Inclusivity of Instruments and Experience Levels

Regardless of your instrument or skill level these sessions welcome everyone on their musical journey. Whether you're a beginner with little experience or an experienced musician seeking fresh inspiration, the methods utilized allow for expansion at any level. This inclusive approach fosters a supportive community where each student's unique path is respected and nurtured.


Personalized Attention

While collective video sessions and feedback is offered through Patreon - private sessions are also available, allowing Monty to work closely with each student, addressing specific needs and helping them progress in their musical development. Through guiding the individual towards self-sustainability to learn to learn this method can have a transformative impact on your musical journey.


Alternative Learning Pathway:

This approach provides an alternative mode of learning music, detached from rigid theoretical frameworks. Enough theory is used in order to create the minimal structure required to keep things in their place. This acknowledges that not everyone resonates with traditional music education, and the main goal is to inspire those seeking a fresh perspective - who may as yet felt a pull to be musical but without the right introduction. By offering a pathway that values intuition, creativity, and self-expression, renewed enthusiasm can be ignited for musical development opening doors to new avenues of exploration.


Cultural Exploration:

Through our classes, we embark on a journey of cultural exploration. We incorporate modes and scales from Eastern European, Turkish and other traditions, exposing students to diverse musical repertoire. By embracing these rich musical heritages, we broaden our understanding of global musical expressions and enrich our own creative palette.


Flexibility and Accessibility:

We understand the importance of flexibility and accessibility in today's fast-paced world. That's why sessions will be offered both in-person in Margaret River and online through a Patreon subscription. Whether you prefer the convenience of online learning or the immersive experience of in-person sessions, Monty feels it is important to strive to make these methods of teaching accessible to all music enthusiasts.



In conclusion, this music tutoring consultancy service offers a transformative journey into the world of music. Through this unique approach, we cultivate creativity, deepen musical understanding, foster mindfulness, and embrace inclusivity. By venturing beyond traditional methods of memorization and rote, we provide an alternative learning pathway that ignites inspiration, encourages self-expression, and expands the musical imagination.

If you're seeking a comprehensive and transformative musical experience, Monty invites you to join him on this extraordinary exploration into the self. The aim is to empower you to not only become a skilled musician but to also tap into the transformative power of music as a vehicle for personal growth and self-realization.

By choosing our music tutoring consultancy, you are embarking on a journey that goes beyond mere technical proficiency. We believe that music has the potential to touch souls, evoke emotions, and connect us to something greater than ourselves. This approach is designed to help you rediscover the essence of music, harness its power, and create from a place of authenticity and vulnerability.

If you're ready to embark on a musical journey that goes beyond the ordinary, we welcome you to join this community of passionate musicians and explorers. Together, let us rediscover the true essence of music and unlock the boundless potential within.

Patreon for 'Flow Music' being launched soon - Subscribe here!
