Mi mundo


MI Mundo is another holistic song.

What are holistic songs? They are those melodies that you have in your mind since you were a child. A holistic song is basically a memory, ancient or recent, that resurfaces from time to time. At that point, I just have to be able to translate that specific emotion into music. And since mine are very old memories, I couldn't help but create this song. Available soon on blocktunes and nftshowroom.


MI Mundo es otra canción holística.
¿Qué son las canciones holísticas? Son esas melodías que tienes en tu mente desde que eras un niño. Una canción holística es básicamente un recuerdo, antiguo o reciente, que resurge de vez en cuando. En ese momento, solo tengo que ser capaz de traducir esa emoción específica en música. Y como los míos son recuerdos muy antiguos, no pude evitar crear esta canción. Disponible en blocjtunes y nftshowroom.

MI Mundo è un altra canzone ollistica.
Cosa sono le canzoni olistiche, sono quelle melodie che hai nel cervello da quando eri bambino, una canzone olistica è praticamente un tuo ricordo atavico, ancestrale o passato prossimo, che ogni tanto riaffiora. A quel punto devo solo essere in grado di tradurre in musica quella specifica emozione, e siccome i miei sono ricordi molto antichi nn ho potuto fare a meno di creare questa canzone. disponibile presto su blocktunes e nftshowroom

If you would like to dig deeper in to Holistic songs here is a list of the most famous ones

Holistic songs refer to songs that promote and embrace the concept of holistic living and well-being. These songs often incorporate themes of balance, mindfulness, connection to nature, spirituality, self-discovery, and self-care. They aim to provide a sense of peace, healing, and harmony to the listeners. Some examples of holistic songs include:

"The Sound of Silence" by Simon & Garfunkel
"Imagine" by John Lennon
"Three Little Birds" by Bob Marley
"Colors of the Wind" from Disney's Pocahontas
"Om" by Deva Premal
"Gravity" by John Mayer
"Here Comes the Sun" by The Beatles
"What a Wonderful World" by Louis Armstrong
"Heal the World" by Michael Jackson
"Higher Love" by Steve Winwood
