I may be getting old but...


I have to admit it, I've become that guy. The older dude that can't understand today's music and seems to think things were just better back in the day.

What in the hell....

Yes, the guy that every chance he gets, reminds everyone how much better it was when Van Halen, Guns n Roses and Metallica ruled the world.

The funny thing is: I know exactly who I've become, because when I was a kid, it was my parents telling me they didn't understand my music at all. I vividly remember my mother freaking out when I started listening to Metallica. She had the whole "satan" talk with me and everything.

This is all to say it's just a shame that I'm no better than my closed minded parents in the end. I still rather listen to SRV, Motorhead or Judas Priest over anything new, but my wife has been trying to fight back lately.

The story is short, but it goes like this: She asked me If I could listen to this "new band" that is making big waves these days. She prepped the "presentation" (please note the ""s I'm using all over the place) by showing me what they used to do, the older stuff they released.

I could barely get passed a minute. To say I hated it, would be an understatement.

I submit to you the evidence, knowing full well most of you will find this as fascinating as glitter on a strip club hot dog. You won't be able to finish it, it's just not within the realm of possibilities for most humans, I think.

Fearing for my emotional well being, I clicked off the video reaching for the mouse against her will, only to see her laugh and lay back. It seemed her planned was working to perfection (the plan to hurt me).

She proceeds to tell me that their new stuff is very different and very good, and I have to listen. After the bitter taste wore off a couple of points in the Richter scale, I decided to indulge her a little more and allow her to "show me" the new stuff.

A new caveat had to be presented, and a very important one. If I could endure the rap (can't stand it 90% of the time), I would enjoy the song a lot.

You see, this caveat was important, required I'd say. I would have clicked away ten seconds into the song, as soon as the gangstah flavor would've kicked in.

I honestly had to hold my breath, pucker and squint as the song progressed, when all of the sudden real vocals kicked in. Symphonic metal? I asked myself, as the guitars began to carry the tune forward.

A little later it became not only familiar to me, but as good as beer on the sunniest of days.

After the first listen, full listen, I was sold....

All of the sudden I know I'm old... but maybe It's OK in the end.



I have kids that play, so this kind of music has been drummed into my head. I have had to release my inner prejudice and grant that some of the music I've hated all my life actually reveals great talent and even consummate skill, like MJ, Britney, and ABBA.

Eventually I even got to a place where music my folks enjoyed was enjoyable by me, like Sinatra, Marty Robbins, and Paul Anka.

Relatively speaking, these guys are great.



there are new guitar heroes these days that I respect, but cant listen to... there's this band called polyphia I feel like I'm having spasms after a little while.



I think I made it over the hump when I accepted 12 foot Ninja.


I got to a minute and fifteen seconds and lived to tell about it. Do I get some sort of NFT for that? That was pretty brutal.


there you go... for being brave! hahahah



greetings from germany first of all... And damn we dont need to listen to actual MUSIC to see we got old... Take a look how long the Times of a HELPIE System been gone, take a look how long HIVE is a thing already, take a look what we reached since then , take a look how we look like when we take some more time in front of our Mirrors. But some things will never Change, who we are.... It doesn´t matter if we like/love actual Music... We LOVE MUSIC and we dont need to Love every part of it, there was also Music back in the days we didnt liked , there was Music we never understood. Its like Beer we didnt liked at the first we had ... smile its something which has grown over time .... This is same with the actual young people they have grown with this kind of music STYLE... And i want to say a FUN FACT there is so much more than only the MUSIC thing we will find things we do same as our parents made whenever we always wanted to be DIFFRENT , but as a parent we want to pretend our Kids from things we already self made to easier up their lifes, but we cant , we need to be there when they are ready for those , and maybe we can do better as they did. We can be nicer when we take the time for em when we talk about our experieces of our time and the diffrences to this one.....

miss thjose old times , when i had long Hair and listened to Metallica and Guns n Roses etc... but on the other Hand im Happy to be in TODAY and see life has changed over the years.....



take some


and dont forget the



Buenos días. Es dificil superar la música que escuchaba cuando tenía 18. Cada quien tiene sus gustos. Yo oía a Santana, beegees, credence, Led Zeppelin y en Venezuela, Edgar Alexander, Oscar de León, y otros. Claro, yo tengo 67. Con el reeguetón y el rap no puedo. Ya estoy viejo... aliriera
Good morning. It's hard to beat the music I listened to when I was 18. Everyone has their own tastes. I used to listen to Santana, beegees, credence, Led Zeppelin and in Venezuela, Edgar Alexander, Oscar de León, and others. Of course, I'm 67. I can't with reeguetón and rap. I'm already old... aliriera


todos tenemos nuestros limites... jajajja
