Evolving Voices with MelitzaMusic 🎤🎶 [ENG-ESP]



Hello, beautiful people of Hive! Welcome to my blog🎤💜🎶

In this post, I will tell you all the details about the vocal coaching initiative that I will start here on Hive, specifically in the Vibes community. Additionally, I will talk about my academic background as an endorsement of this initiative and all the guidelines for participating in it.

Spanish Version (click here)

¡Hola, gente bonita de Hive! Bienvenidos a mi blog🎤💜🎶

En este post, les contaré todos los detalles de la iniciativa de asesoría vocal que voy a iniciar aquí en Hive, específicamente en la comunidad Vibes. Además, les hablaré sobre mi preparación académica como aval de esta iniciativa y todos los lineamientos para participar en ella.

🎤 Evolving Voices with MelitzaMusic 🎤

This initiative stems from the idea of giving back value to this community, which, with its support, has led me to win second place on two different occasions in the Vibes competition.

The initiative, titled "Evolving Voices with MelitzaMusic” aims primarily to ensure that each participant can vocally evolve in sync with the vocal capabilities and skills they possess at the time of the coaching, while simultaneously improving their stage presence.

In this section of my blog, I will offer advice that will result in recommendations, tips, ideas, and contributions to improve the performances of each participant.

Spanish Version (click here)

🎤 Evolving Voices with MelitzaMusic 🎤

Esta iniciativa surge de la idea de retribuir valor a esta comunidad, la cual, con su apoyo, me ha llevado a ganar el segundo lugar en dos oportunidades distintas dentro de la competencia de Vibes.

La iniciativa, titulada “Evolving Voices with MelitzaMusic”, tiene como objetivo principal que cada participante pueda evolucionar vocalmente en sincronía con las capacidades y habilidades vocales que posea al momento de la asesoría y, al mismo tiempo, mejorar su puesta en escena.

En esta sección de mi blog, ofreceré asesoría que resultará en recomendaciones, consejos, ideas y aportes para mejorar las ejecuciones de cada participante.

My academic training and professional experience 🎹🎙

Before discussing the guidelines and instructions of the initiative, I would like you to know about my academic training and professional experience, so that you feel more confident with the information I will share in this section of my blog.

I began my studies in music reading and writing at the age of 7 at a music school named Pedro Nolasco Colón, where I also studied piano as my main instrument for 8 years and popular singing for 5 years.

Later, I pursued a degree in education, majoring in music, at the National Experimental University of the Arts, while also studying singing on my own. This led me to work as a singer in various groups of different genres, teach piano and singing classes at music academies in my city.

Subsequently, I worked as a recording engineer, music producer, and vocal coach at other institutions, which allowed me to work on the soundtrack of various audiovisual materials.

I also worked as a roadie and audio assistant in live performances and concerts.

Currently, I am dedicated to music production and singing. In addition, I am part of a company that specializes in music production, live sound, and content for social networks and other digital platforms.

All this adds up to 17 years of experience in music, which legally qualifies me for these types of activities.

Spanish Version (click here)

Mi formación académica y experiencia profesional 🎹🎙

Antes de hablar de los lineamientos e instrucciones de la iniciativa, quisiera que sepan sobre mi formación académica y experiencia profesional, de manera que se sientan más seguros con la información que compartiré en esta sección de mi blog.

Inicié mis estudios de lectura y escritura musical desde los 7 años de edad en una escuela de música llamada Pedro Nolasco Colón, donde también estudié 8 años de piano principal y 5 años de canto popular.

Luego, estudié la licenciatura en educación, mención música, en la Universidad Nacional Experimental de las Artes, al mismo tiempo que estudié por mi cuenta más sobre el canto. Esto me llevó a trabajar como cantante en varias agrupaciones de géneros variados, dar clases de piano y de canto en academias de música de mi ciudad.

Más adelante, trabajé como ingeniera de grabación, productora musical y vocal coach en otras instituciones, lo que me permitió trabajar en el soundtrack de varios materiales audiovisuales.

También trabajé como roadie y asistente de audio en presentaciones en vivo y conciertos.

En la actualidad, me dedico a la producción musical y el canto. Además, soy parte de una empresa de producción musical, sonido en vivo y contenido para redes sociales y otras plataformas digitales.

Todo esto suma 17 años de experiencia en la música, lo que me capacita legalmente para este tipo de actividades.

Guidelines and instructions for the initiative 📢


The first step of the consultations will be a preliminary analysis of the participation in the Vibes music competition, where I will evaluate various aspects, such as the singer’s possible vocal range, the dynamics used in the performance, potential errors in execution, and dynamics that could be added to their interpretations.

Based on that analysis, I will share warm-up and vocal training exercises directed at the participant to improve in the different aspects previously evaluated. At the same time, songs that involve the evaluated aspects will be recommended.

Although these recommendations will be directed at one or two specific participations, I invite all Vibes participants to watch the videos, as they may find advice that they could possibly apply in their performances. This is also a way to promote interaction and collaborative learning in the community.

These recommendations will be made based on my academic knowledge, combined with my experience as a singer and musician, so each recommendation should be adapted by each singer or participant to their style.

The consultation will be published in video and text formats.


El primer paso de las asesorías será un análisis previo de la participación en la competencia de música de Vibes, donde evaluaré varios aspectos, como el posible rango vocal del cantante, las dinámicas usadas en la interpretación, posibles errores en la ejecución y dinámicas que podrían agregarse a sus interpretaciones.

A partir de ese análisis, compartiré ejercicios de calentamiento y entrenamiento vocal dirigidos al participante para mejorar en los distintos aspectos evaluados previamente. Al mismo tiempo, se recomendarán canciones que involucren los aspectos evaluados.

Aunque estas recomendaciones serán dirigidas a una o dos participaciones específicamente, invito a todos los participantes de Vibes a ver los videos, ya que podrán encontrar consejos que posiblemente puedan aplicar en sus presentaciones. Esto también es una manera de promover la interacción y el aprendizaje colaborativo en la comunidad.

Estas recomendaciones se harán en base a mis conocimientos académicos, sumados a mi experiencia como cantante y músico, por lo que cada recomendación deberá ser adaptada por cada cantante o participante a su estilo.

La asesoría se publicará en formatos de video y texto.

🎶 Requirements to participate in the ‘Evolving Voices with MelitzaMusic’ dynamic 🎶

  1. Participants must be part of the Vibes community and have at least two participations in the competition.
  2. They must post their weekly video on Vibes and mention me at the end of the post as a sign that they wish to be part of the initiative.
  3. The video must be recorded live; that is, dubbing will not be accepted in this section.
  4. As a final requirement, the singer must strive in their participation; that is, challenge themselves to go beyond what they normally do and, at the same time, connect with the lyrics or theme of what they are interpreting. This also involves the outfit and the staging. (All of this will be considered within the evaluation of the dynamics).

Spanish Version (click here)

🎶 Requisitos para participar en la dinámica de “Evolving Voices with MelitzaMusic” 🎶

  1. Los participantes deben ser parte de la comunidad de Vibes y tener al menos dos participaciones en la competencia.
  2. Deben publicar su video de la semana en Vibes y mencionarme al final de la publicación como señal de que desean ser parte de la iniciativa.
  3. El video debe ser grabado en vivo; es decir, no se aceptarán doblajes en esta sección.
  4. Como último requisito, el cantante debe esforzarse en su participación; es decir, retarse a ir más allá de lo que normalmente hace y, al mismo tiempo, conectarse con la letra o temática de lo que está interpretando. Esto también involucra el outfit y la puesta en escena. (Todo esto será considerado dentro de la evaluación de la dinámica).

📌 Considerations to take into account about the initiative 📌

Two analyses will be published per week, which means that I may not be able to attend to all those interested.

That is why I invite you to watch the weekly consultations, as I believe you will find recommendations that could also be adapted to you.

You are free to support this initiative in any way you deem appropriate, so that I can continue with this section of my blog and keep adding value to the community.

Spanish Version (click here)

📌 Consideraciones a tomar en cuenta sobre la iniciativa 📌

Se publicarán dos análisis por semana, lo que significa que es posible que no pueda atender a todos los interesados.

Es por ello que los invito a ver las asesorías de cada semana, ya que considero que encontrarán recomendaciones que podrían adaptarse también a ustedes.

Igualmente, existe la posibilidad de que, para asegurar el avance de los participantes, se dé una segunda asesoría semanas después de la primera vez. (Esto se organizará a medida que vaya ocurriendo la dinámica).

Son libres de apoyar esta iniciativa de la manera que consideren apropiada, para así poder continuar con esta sección de mi blog y seguir aportando valor a la comunidad.

To close this informative section, I take the opportunity to thank and mention those who showed interest as soon as I mentioned the idea of the initiative during my participation in week 11 of Vibes.

Being the first to show interest, they have the freedom to decide which participation they want me to analyze, whether it be the one they indicated at that time or another.

✨🎶 @sekani @jessicaossom @meyateingi @ovey10 @viktorie 🎶✨

Spanish Version (click here)

Para cerrar esta sección informativa, aprovecho para agradecer y mencionar a las personas que estuvieron interesadas en cuanto mencioné la idea de la iniciativa durante mi participación en la semana 11 de Vibes.

Por ser los primeros en mostrar interés, tienen la libertad de decidir qué participación quieren que analice, ya sea la que me indicaron en aquel momento u otra.

I also take this moment to thank @silentscreamer and @lordbutterfly for authorizing the publication of this initiative in this community. It is a new dynamic in favor of the growth of this beautiful community.

Spanish Version (click here)

También me tomo este momento para agradecer a @silentscreamer y @lordbutterfly por autorizar la publicación de esta iniciativa en esta comunidad. Es una nueva dinámica en pro del crecimiento de esta bonita comunidad.

Thank you so much for being here!💜🦋
And if you’re just arriving, follow me for more music! 🎶💜

¡Muchas gracias por estar aquí! 💜🦋
Y si estás llegando, ¡sígueme para más música! 🎶💜

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Hi MelitzaMusic,

I love your initiative! Your passion for helping others grow vocally is inspiring. With your extensive music background and experience, you're the perfect mentor. Your personalized approach is impressive, and I'm sure the Vibes community will benefit greatly. Keep shining and helping others find their voice!

As for the video, I am yet to publish week 12 video, I would have asked that you tell me what you think about week 11 video.... However, my week 12 entry will be uploaded soon, we can go with that, and if you don't mind checking week 11 too, I would appreciate it.
Thanks again.🌺🙏❤️


Hello Jessica! Thank you for your kind words. I’m very excited, and I hope to soon publish the first advisory and see everyone’s reactions. 🤩🤩

Regarding which participation I will evaluate, I think that week 11’s works best. I will write to you on Discord with details about it. Sending you a hug 🤗.


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it's my deepest desire to grow my potentials in music specially the singing area. I'm very happy I made it here and I strongly believe that this initiative will be of great help not just for me but the entire community. Thank you so much @melitzamusic for this privilege to learn under your supervision.
I pick the entry above for evaluation..🙏🙏


Hello! I’m very happy and also grateful that you’re here. That will be the entry I’ll evaluate, then. See you soon. 😊


Hola amiga, su intención es mas que una gran ayuda y educación para quienes estamos acá desde hace ya 12 semanas compartiendo nuestro talento en esta competencia, en nombre de la comunidad hispanohablante le doy las gracias por todo el conocimiento que nos pueda brindar desde su experiencia. Saludos desde Venezuela.


¡Hola! Qué linda, muchas gracias por esas bonitas palabras. 💜 También soy de Venezuela, así que es un placer para mí poder aportar cosas positivas a artistas de mi país y de cualquier otro lugar del mundo que vean mis publicaciones.✨💜


Good day Melitza, I thought this was a brilliant initiative even from the very start so I'm glad I'm part of this.
I'm sure singers not just on Vibes but on Hive will benefit greatly from this initiative.

Wow! Your musical background is very impressive, and I'm sure we will learn a lot from you.
Thank you for taking the time to share your knowledge with us, I truly appreciate and we will definitely not take it for granted.

Quick question, do we tag you on every post we make on Vibes?
I just published my entry for week 12, but my entry for week 11 was a bit difficult for me. I found that I could barely sing high notes


Hello, lovely.✨ I’m also glad that you’re here. And yes, I hope many can benefit from this dynamic.🎶

The tag is only for the participation you want me to evaluate for the first time, that is, just one, and I will confirm that it will be included in the dynamic. (in this case, you will be in the first 3 posts). And I think that your entry for week 11 is the best candidate. 😊

After the initial posts, I will coordinate how to best organize everyone who arrives and those who start with me, in order to work on continuity. There are several things that I will define as the dynamic unfolds.🤓


Oh okay 😊
Yay!! That's great, I can't wait for it to kickoff fully 😊.


Esta es una gran iniciativa Melitza, en serio espero que sea todo un éxito y los participantes podamos avanzar con tu ayuda ❤


Hi there, do you also have an account or share your stuff on X? I really liked your stuff, so just want to help by saying, I like you.


Looking forward to how this all unfolds for the benefit of the community, this is a great initiative!
