I was there!!

On September 20, 2009, the Concert for Peace was held in Cuba. Organized by the Colombian singer-songwriter Juanes and with the participation of important music figures, both foreign and national, that concert marked a milestone in the musical history of our island.

Since the official media began to announce the event, there were people in favor and others against it. The news transcended the cultural aspect; its political character raised too many hackles.

But leaving politics aside, from my point of view....and I dare say that from the point of view of almost all of us who attended, it was a historical cultural event that we could not miss. It would hardly be repeated, so we had to go 😆.

The day before the concert, my aunt, my cousin and his girlfriend arrived home. My daughter was small and it was not wise for her to go with her to a show of such magnitude, so my aunt would take care of her. The other 2 visitors traveled from another province to experience the event with us.

The concert was scheduled to begin at 2:00 pm, but from early in the morning people began to fill the square. Our group was joined by my brother-in-law and his wife and we all arrived around 11:30 in the morning.

The part closest to the stage was completely full and the crowd stretched for almost 200 meters. We found a spot near an audio tower. We were far away from the stage, but at least we could hear perfectly 😉. With umbrellas, water and some food in our bags we were ready to wait....the sun was relentless, but the enthusiasm was greater

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El 20 de septiembre del 2009 se realizó en Cuba el Concierto por la Paz](https://es.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paz_sin_Fronteras_(Habana_2009)#). Organizado por el cantautor colombiano Juanes y con la participación de importantes figuras de la música, tanto extranjeras como nacionales, aquel concierto marcó un hito en la historia musical de nuestra isla.

Desde que se comenzara a anunciar por los medios oficiales la realización del evento, hubo personas a favor y otras en contra. La noticia trascendió lo cultural, su carácter político levantaba demasiadas ronchas.

Pero dejando la política a un lado, desde mi punto de vista....y me atrevo a decir que desde el de casi todos los que asistimos, aquello era un acontecimiento histórico cultural que no podíamos perdernos. Difícilmente se volvería a repetir, por lo que había que ir de todas todas 😆.

El día antes del concierto llegaron a casa mi tía, mi primo y su novia. Mi hija estaba pequeña y no era prudente que acudiera con ella a un espectáculo de tal magnitud, así que mi tía la cuidaría. Los otros 2 visitantes viajaron desde otra provincia para vivir el evento junto a nosotros.

El inicio del concierto estaba programado para las 2 de la tarde, pero desde horas tempranas la gente comenzó a llenar la plaza. A nuestro grupo se sumó mi cuñado y su esposa y todos llegamos sobre las 11:30 de la mañana.

La parte más cercana al escenario estaba completamente llena y el tumulto se extendía por casi 200 metros. Encontramos lugar cerca de una torre de audio. Estábamos lejísimo de la tarima, pero al menos podríamos escuchar perfectamente 😏. Con sombrillas, agua y algo de comida en nuestras bolsas nos dispusimos a esperar....el sol era implacable, pero el entusiasmo era mayor.


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Just at the scheduled time the artists came on stage. The auditorium exploded, the noise, the applause, the cheers....it was crazy!!!! A few words read by the Puerto Rican Olga Tañón, gave formal start to the event. Then the artist herself made her presentation. She was followed, one after the other, by the remaining 13 guests.

A really special moment was when Spanish singer-songwriter Víctor Manuel came on stage. His music, along with that of other great artists from his country, is very popular in our country. He sang a beautiful song "Solo pienso en tí" and the audience was heard in one voice singing along with him, it was very beautiful 🥰. I was able to take pictures to the giant screen from my special box (on my husband's shoulders 😜).

Justo a la hora programada salieron al escenario los artistas. El auditorio reventó, la algarabía, los aplausos, los vítores....aquello era de locos!!! Unas palabras leídas por la boricua Olga Tañón, dieron formal inicio al evento. Acto seguido la propia artista hizo su presentación. Le sucedieron, uno tras otro, los restantes 13 invitados.

Un momento realmente especial fue cuando salió a escena el cantautor español Víctor Manuel. Su música, junto a la de otros grandes artistas coterráneos suyos, es muy escuchada en nuestro país. Cantó una hermosa canción Solo pienso en tí y se escuchó al público en una sola voz cantando junto a él, fue muy lindo 🥰. Pude tomar imágenes a la pantalla gigante desde mi palco especial (en los hombros de mi esposo 😜).

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Italian artist Jovanotti took the stage with electrifying energy. This artist also brought back nice memories. In his introductory remarks he made reference to the concert he gave in 1995 on the steps of the University of Havana, that inspired the song he would sing that afternoon. Many of us in the audience knew what song it was about and the furor did not take long to express itself, the audience went crazy...L'OMBELICO DEL MONDO began to play.

Con una energía electrizante llegó Jovanotti a la tarima, este artista también traía lindos recuerdos. En sus palabras de presentación hacía referencia al concierto que ofreciera en 1995 en la escalinata de la Universidad de la Habana que inspiró el tema que cantaría esa tarde. Muchos de los de allí presentes sabíamos de que canción se trataba y el furor no demoró en expresarse, el público enloqueció...empezaba a sonar L'OMBELICO DEL MONDO.


When it was Juanes' turn to perform, the noise was indescribable, many came to see him sing. His performance was brilliant. We all knew that we had him to thank for being part of that event.

Cuando tocó el turno a Juanes la algarabía era indescriptible, muchos vinieron para verlo cantar. Su actuación estuvo brillante. Todos sabíamos que a él debíamos agrader el estar viviendo aquel acontecimiento.


Important figures of the Cuban music scene were also present. X Alfonso with the group Síntesis. The incomparable Silvio Rodríguez, whose songs we sang in chorus from beginning to end. The Orichas group and, of course, the Cuban popular music band Los Van Van. Almost at 6 pm, after 4 hours of intense emotions, they came to put an end to the activity. With a medley of their most emblematic songs they ended up making everyone sing and dance.

No faltaron importantes figuras de la escena musical cubana. X Alfonso con el grupo Síntesis. El inigualable Silvio Rodríguez, cuyas canciones cantamos a coro desde principio a fin. La agrupación Orichas y por supuesto no podía faltar, el tren de la música popular cubana Los Van Van. Casi a las 6 de la tarde, después de 4 horas de intensas emociones llegaron a poner fin a la actividad. Con un popurrí de sus más emblemáticos temas terminaron poniendo a todos a cantar y bailar.

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At the closing, all the artists gathered on stage and performed an unforgettable farewell, full of messages of peace.

Thus ended those hours, many of us cried and left with a strong mixture of feelings, indispensable energy for the walk home....almost 8km😜🥴.

According to published data, more than 1 million souls gathered that afternoon at the Plaza de la Revolución, the city came to a standstill. They say it was the third largest concert in history...I don't know if this data is real, but what I know for sure is.....I was there!!!

En el cierre se reunieron todos los artistas en el escenario y protagonizaron una despedida inolvidable, cargada de mensajes de paz.

Terminaban así aquellas horas, muchos lloramos y partimos de allí con una fuerte mezcla de sentimientos, energía indispensable para la caminata que haríamos hasta casa.... casi 8km😜🥴.

Según datos publicados, más de 1 millón de almas nos reunimos aquella tarde en la Plaza de la Revolución, la ciudad se paralizó. Dicen que es el tercer concierto más grande de la historia...no sé si serán reales eso datos, lo que si sé con certeza es...qué estuve allí!!!

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PS: It's been a long time since I shared my memories with you, but this one has a special value...music unites.

PD: Hace mucho no comparto mis recuerdos con ustedes, pero este tiene un valor especial..la música une.


Wow, what a great event!! These concerts are so powerful; well, each concert has a huge effect, but I imagine that a concert of this importance and magnitude is more than special. I also remember the Rolling Stones concert post haha, but this one was more important, right? In 2009 my son was also little 😇 good that someone of confidence could take care of your daughter while you went to this unforgettable event!


I am very happy to have been part of those events. Both concerts were important, each in its own way. The Rolling Stones concert was the payment of a debt that Cuban culture owed to those greats of Anglo-Saxon music and it was an honor that they gave that great concert for free in a space where so many people could fit, it was great. On the other hand, the concert for peace brought together many artists on one stage, the call was massive, people were happy to be part of something so magnanimous...we were so young 🤣🤣.
My aunt who took care of Olivia, she is like a mother to me, our total trust and she loves Oli very much.
Thank you for always commenting and supporting my posts, nice weekend to all of you 🤗.
