Some tips to be a better keyboard player (Constant rehearsal)

When I was younger I used to look people who play instruments as one special being and I can't imagine myself being in the position of playing any kind of instrument. I was around 12 years old when I started learning the keyboard and funniest thing was that I didn't take it serious due to the fact that my teacher was not a constant one so I am a slow learning which affected me in one way or the other but even with that I didn't give in for any form of frustration that is associated with the learning.

With so much passion to learn the keyboard after seeing some of my mates which we started together in the learning who were doing fine in the line of playing so I developed this interest more on trying to know how to play the keyboard so well and I think the drive to play more seeing my mate which we started together in the top places doing well is a factor that made me also to reconsider even though my teacher at first was not helping the matter. No another thing after learning the keyboard it requires a constant practice and constant playing.

I noticed I and my close friend who learnt it together at some point he didn't take it serious and we went to a different place for like 2 to 3 years and coming back together there was a big difference in the way I played the keyboard and to the way he played his own and what is the reason for this is because it doesn't use to practice and rehearse constantly and regularly. what has been my help for the time past is the regular rehearsal which I do personally because phone to improve you really need a personal rehearsal apart from the one you do collectively with all that Sunday music band or choir.

so for me I went online to download some fingering exercise which are used to make my hands so free and also to allow the flexibility of the finger when playing. So in this post I'll be posting some of them singing exercise which was an helpful video in my line of learning the keyboard. This video is also helpful that a beginner who doesn't know how to play the keyboard before, if he or she watches the video and with the true intention of knowing how to play the keyboard will learn it in no time. So I won't be posting much of the video due to the fact that it is just as a reference to what are said earlier in the post, so I will just be posting one or two video to back it up.

fingering exercise is really important as the keyboard player because once you stop fingering exercising, those fingers will not be as flexible as it used to be and this would cause some problem during playing, i think this is one of the factor that affected my friend then which we learnt together.
