⭐The Village Frankie Story + Rising Star Opening Pack + Purchase of a unique card + Stats⭐


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The Village Frankie

This is the story of The Village Frankie.

Little Frankie was born in a tiny coastal town, where most families lived off the sea. His parents were lovers of classical music and especially of the great Frank Sinatra, hence the name of little Frankie. Since he was a baby, Frankie grew up listening to the melodies and the great voice of Sinatra.

Frankie had a beautiful gift and it was his voice. A voice inherited by his parents, who encouraged the boy to sing from a young age. Although he tried as he grew up, he realized that he could never reach the feet of his idol.

Over time, Frankie began to lead an ordinary life. He married his childhood sweetheart, Naty, and they had two children, Mia and Leo, who inherited their father's love for music but were not interested in it. Frankie worked as a fisherman during the day, in the afternoon he was an engineer, and at night he would put on his suit and go sing at the most famous bar in his town.

There, from bar to bar, people knew him as The Frankie of the Town, a young man who, although he did not stand out, had a great charisma that attracted people and with his voice made them have a beautiful night.

The life of the now adult Frankie seemed to be destined to be just another life in this world. So one day, after a great day of fishing, his wife had prepared a gift for him and surprised him by giving him the chance to record a couple of songs in a renowned studio in his state.

Once this was done, Frankie gave the people of his town a copy of the songs he recorded for free and put some more on sale to people who visited the town. For him, the love he had received from his family was enough to be considered a great musician.

Currently my account consists of:

Today I decided to open packs (I clarify that it was after taking the status screenshots) so I'm going to show you what I got:

I loved the designs of these cards, although they were just rare card openings, the colors they have seem very good to me!

Apart from this, I'm also going to buy a UNIQUE card (that is, I don't have it in my collection) to improve little by little and it's the following:

If you are interested in playing RisingStar, here is my referral link

You can also join the official discord server to chat with other players and resolve all your doubts through the following link


El Frankie del pueblo

Esta es la historia de El Frankie del pueblo.

El pequeño Frankie nacio en un diminuto pueblo costero, donde la mayoria de las familias tenian como sustento el mar. Sus padres eran amantes de la musica clasica y especialmente del gran Frank Sinatra, de alli el nombre del pequeño Frankie. Desde bebe, Frankie crecio escuchando las melodias y la gran voz de Sinatra.

Frankie tenia un don hermoso y era su voz. Una voz heredada por sus padres, la cual desde pequeño alentaban al niño a cantar. Si bien lo intentaba a medida que crecia, se dio cuenta que nunca podria llegar a los pies de su idolo.

Con el tiempo, Frankie comenzo a llevar una vida comun y corriente. Se caso con su novia de la infancia, Naty, tuvieron dos hijos, Mia y Leo, quienes heredaron el amor de su padre por la musica pero a ellos no les interesaba. Frankie trabajaba como pesquero durante el dia, por la tarde era ingeniero y por las noches se calzaba el traje e iba a cantar al bar mas famoso de su pueblo.

Alli, de bar en bar, La gente lo conocia como El Frankie del Pueblo, un joven que si bien no destacaba tenia un gran carisma que atraia a las personas y con su voz les hacia pasar una hermosa noche.

La vida del ya adulto Frankie, parecia estar destinada a ser una vida mas en este mundo. Asi que un dia, tras un gran dia de pesca, su esposa le habia preparado un regalo y lo sorprendio dandole la posibilidad de poder grabar un par de canciones en un estudio reconocido en su estado.

Una vez realizado esto Frankie entrego gratis a las personas de su pueblo una copia de las canciones que grabo y puso a la venta algunas mas a la gente que visitaba el pueblo. Para el, el amor que habia recibido de su familia era suficiente para ser considerado como un grande de la musica.

Actualmente mi cuenta consta de:


Hoy decidi hacer una apertura de packs (aclaro que fue despues de tomar las capturas de status) por lo que voy a mostrarles que me salio:

me encantaron los diseños de estas cartas, si bien solo fueron aperturas de cartas raras, los colores que tienen me parecen muy buenos!

aparte de esto tambien voy a comprar 1 carta UNICA (Es decir que no la tengo en mi coleccion) para ir mejorando de a poco y es la siguiente:

Si te interesa jugar a RisingStar te dejo mi link de referido

También puedes unirte al servidor oficial de discord para chatear con otros jugadores y resolver todas tus dudas a través del siguiente enlace


Exceptional content! The clarity of your explanation and the depth of your analysis are remarkable. Hive needs more posts like this.
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