⭐The Story of Wendy and her failed career + Purchase of a unique card + Stats⭐
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This is the story of Wendy.
In Chicago, Illinois, USA, a little girl named Wendy was born. She grew up in a humble neighborhood with lower-middle-class parents, where afternoon get-togethers were the most anticipated moments, along with the shows put on by the local kids.
At 16, Wendy sang in the church and school choirs. Her dream was to be a great singer, although it was very difficult because every time she tried, something would fail, from the microphones to the fact that she often felt overwhelmed and couldn't sing the lyrics properly.
After moving to Los Angeles at just 18 years old and experiencing many failed attempts, Wendy realized that singing probably wasn't for her and that she should pursue something else. So she decided to return to her old city, where her family's arms were open to her return, looking for a way to support herself in another field.
One day, while dining at a restaurant in her hometown for one of her brothers' birthdays, she ran into John, a friend from school who was on a sports scholarship at a nearby university and whom everyone called "The Little Star." This is because he played American football with unparalleled skill, making him a star widely anticipated for the big leagues.
Over the years, they became a couple and had started a family. Wendy had stopped pursuing her dream of singing to dedicate herself to being a homemaker and taking care of the children she and John had while he devoted himself solely to his career for however long it lasted.
Currently my account consists of:
Level: | 389 |
Fans | 274434 |
Luck | 109675 |
Skill | 1265311 |
IM | 4957 |
I'm going to buy a UNIQUE card (that is, I don't have it in my collection) to improve little by little and it's the following:
If you are interested in playing RisingStar, here is my referral link
You can also join the official discord server to chat with other players and resolve all your doubts through the following link
Esta es la historia de Wendy.
En la zona de Chigado, Illinois, Estados unidos, nacia una pequeña bebe de nombre Wendy. Crecio en un barrio humilde, con padres de clase media baja y donde las reuniones entre vecinos a la tarde eran las mas esperadas, junto a los shows que hacian los chicos de su barrio.
A los 16 años Wendy cantaba en el coro de la iglesia y en el coro escolar, su sueño era ser una gran cantante aunque le resultaba muy dificil porque cada vez que intentaba lograrlo, algo le fallaba, desde los microfonos hasta muchas veces se sentia agobiada y no podia entonar bien las letras de las canciones.
Despues de haberse mudado con tan solo 18 años a Los Angeles y pasar muchos intentos fallidos mas, Wendy se dio cuenta que probablemente cantar no era lo de ella y de que debia dedicarse a otra cosa, por lo que habia decidido volver a su vieja ciudad donde los brazos de su familia estaban abiertos a su regreso buscando la manera de poder sustentarse en otro ambito.
Un dia mientras cenaba en un restaurante de su ciudad por el cumpleaños de uno de sus hermanos, se habia encontrado con Jhon, un viajo amigo del colegio que se encontraba becado de forma deportiva en una universidad cercana y que todos llamaban la pequeña estrella, esto es asi porque jugaba de una manera inigualable al futbol americano siendo una de las estrellas vistas para las grandes ligas.
Con el pasar de los años, ellos eran una pareja y habian formado una familia. Wendy habia dejado de perseguir su sueño de cantar para dedicarse a ser ama de casa y poder cuidar de los hijos que tuvieron con Jhon mientras el se dedicaba pura y exclusivamente a su carrera por el corto tiempo que durase.
Actualmente mi cuenta consta de:
Nivel: | 389 |
Fans | 274434 |
Luck | 109675 |
Skill | 1265311 |
IM | 4957 |
voy a comprar 1 carta UNICA (Es decir que no la tengo en mi coleccion) para ir mejorando de a poco y es la siguiente:
Si te interesa jugar a RisingStar te dejo mi link de referido
También puedes unirte al servidor oficial de discord para chatear con otros jugadores y resolver todas tus dudas a través del siguiente enlace