⭐The Story of The Culinary Giant, Remy + Purchase of a unique card + Stats⭐



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The Culinary Giant, Remy!

This is the story of Remy.

In a small town in the south of France, a young man named Remy was born. From the time he was a baby, his entire life involved cooking. With his grandmother, he grew and harvested herbs that they used in the kitchen.

During his adolescence, he cooked for himself and his younger brother because his parents worked all day. Remy took it as a normal, everyday thing to do, even fighting with his little brother to wash the dishes.

When he reached adulthood, Remy decided to enroll in a culinary college to further his career and become a professional chef. He then had to move from his hometown to the French capital to embark on a new lifestyle full of challenges but with a goal in mind.

The opportunity he had was when a rock band was coming to Paris to play an important concert, and the administrators needed people to cook for them. They contacted the university and selected the three best seniors, including Remy.

Remy got on so well with the rock band's managers that he even met the band's lead drummer. They had a relative in common through a cousin of his grandmother.

Since then, Remy managed to open a small business dedicated exclusively to being a private chef for those staying in France. Thanks to recommendations from the rock band's drummer, Remy was flooded with requests to cook for various celebrities.

So if you're in France, want a good plate of food to your liking, and are somewhat famous and have money to spend, stop by Remy and hire his services!

Currently my account consists of:



I'm going to buy a UNIQUE card (that is, I don't have it in my collection) to improve little by little and it's the following:


If you are interested in playing RisingStar, here is my referral link

You can also join the official discord server to chat with other players and resolve all your doubts through the following link



El Gigante culinario, Remy!

Esta es la historia de Remy.

En un pequeño pueblo de la parte sur de Francia habia nacido un joven llamado Remy. Desde que era un bebe, toda su vida tuvo que relacionarse con la cocina, con su abuela cultivaba y cosechaba hierbas que utilizaban en la cocina.

Durante la adolescencia cocinaba para el y su hermano pequeño debido a que sus padres trabajaban durante todo el dia. Remy lo tomaba como algo normal, algo cotidiano hacer todo lo relacionado a la cocina, hasta le peleaba a su pequeño hermano para que lave los platos.

Cuando llego a edad adulta, Remy decidio ingresar a una universidad culinaria para enriquecerse mas y poder ser un chef profesional, entonces tuvo que mudarse de su ciudad a la capital de Francia para emprender un nuevo estilo de vida lleno de desafios pero con un objetivo por delante.

La oportunidad que tuvo fue cuando una banda de rock llegaba a Paris para dar un concierto un tanto importante y los administradores necesitaban gente para cocinarles, entonces se habian contactado con la universidad y habian elegido a los 3 mejores de ultimo año, entre ellos a Remy.

Remy llego a pegar muy buena onda con los administradores de la banda de rock que hasta llego a conocer al baterista principal de la banda, justamente tenian un familiar en comun por parte de una prima de su abuela.

Desde ese entonces, Remy logro abrir una pequeña empresa destinada exclusivamente a ser chef privado para aquellas personas que pasen una estancia por Francia, y gracias a las recomendaciones que empezaron a haber del baterista de la banda de Rock, a Remy le llovieron solicitudes para cocinar a diversos famosos.

Asi que si estan por Francia, desean tener un buen plato de comida a su gusto y son un tanto famosos y con dinero para gastar, pasen por Remy y contraten sus servicios!

Actualmente mi cuenta consta de:



voy a comprar 1 carta UNICA (Es decir que no la tengo en mi coleccion) para ir mejorando de a poco y es la siguiente:


Si te interesa jugar a RisingStar te dejo mi link de referido

También puedes unirte al servidor oficial de discord para chatear con otros jugadores y resolver todas tus dudas a través del siguiente enlace
