⭐Moon Child, from everything to nothing + Rising Star Opening Pack + Stats⭐


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Moon Child

This is the story of Moon Child.

Rafael Diaz was born in a small mountain town in Colombia. Since he was a child, his voice was a gift that seemed to have been sent by God. He sang in church, at events in his town and even in his folkloric group. The young man had so much talent that at 18, once he finished high school, he moved to Medellin to become a famous singer.

Rafael made great strides in advancing among the thousands of musicians who fight for the same thing every day. A small record label hired him and he began to hone his talent. He began by opening for other already famous artists until he managed to reach the top with a single in a short time.

Over time, little Rafael had begun to tour internationally, the most impressive place being Mexico, in the area of ​​Acapulco, Cancun and Mexico City. There he met other bands with whom he shared stages at times and was introduced to the world of drugs. Every night after finishing their singing, it was normal for the bands to relax in some hotel with alcohol, prostitutes and lots of drugs, here the one that reigned was marijuana. This lifestyle caught Rafael's attention so much that he wanted to have something like that for himself, but in Colombia, he wanted to drive more but he didn't know what he was getting into.

When he returned to his country, he invested a lot of money in a clandestine marijuana factory and thanks to the contacts he made, everything was going great. The money came to him more than with the music, the famous people approached him more and more in search of having his number for important "events."

Little by little the drugs began to affect him, Rafael was seen at night always looking at the moon before starting to sing. His gaze was lost up there. He wanted more and more, but unfortunately like every famous person's life he began to be investigated by the police of his country until they found out what they wanted. One night he was arrested in his mansion along with many prostitutes and part of the record company staff.

Although this was a very hard blow for Rafael, after 5 years in prison and thanks to the money he was able to get from his career, he managed to get out and buy a small house far away from everything. At this time Rafael wanted peace, his life became a bit hippie, he planted and harvested his food, he barely went to get provisions at a supermarket in the nearest city 1 or 2 times a month. His nights continued to be illuminated by the light of the moon.

For this reason, every time someone goes to Colombia and asks about little Rafael, people answer "moon Child" he is there, 10 kilometers inside the jungle, in the open field past the cattle sector, and if you want to see him you should go at night and appreciate his voice.

Currently my account consists of:

Today I decided to open packs (I clarify that it was after taking the status screenshots) so I'm going to show you what I got:

I'm excited because I got 2 rares in one pack opening and it wasn't that bad, the opening went pretty well.

Apart from this, I'm also going to buy a UNIQUE card (that is, I don't have it in my collection) to improve little by little and it's the following:

If you are interested in playing RisingStar, here is my referral link

You can also join the official discord server to chat with other players and resolve all your doubts through the following link


Moon Child

Esta es la historia de Moon Child.

En un pequeño pueblo montañoso de Colombia, nacio Rafael Diaz. Desde niño, su voz era un regalo que parecia enviado por Dios. Cantaba en la iglesia,en eventos de su pueblo y hasta en su grupo folklorico. El joven tenia tanto talento que a los 18 años, una vez terminada la secundaria, se mudo a Medellin para convertirse en un cantante famoso.

Rafael logro a pasos agigantados avanzar entre los miles de musicos que luchan por lo mismo dia a dia, una pequeña disquera lo contrato y comenzo a pulir su talento, empezo siendo telonero de otros artistas ya famosos hasta que logro con un single llegar a lo mas alto en poco tiempo.

Con el tiempo el pequeño Rafael habia comenzado a realizar giras internacionales, el lugar mas impactante fue Mexico, en la zona de Acapulco, Cancun y el DF. Alli conocio otras bandas con las cuales compartia por momentos escenarios y se introdujo al mundo de las drogas. Cada Noche tras terminar con su canto era normal que las bandas se relajen en algun hotel con alcohol, prostitutas y mucha droga, aqui la que reinaba era la marihuana. Este estilo de vida le llamo tanto la atencion a Rafael que quizo tener algo asi para el pero en colombia, queria manejar mas pero no sabe donde se estaba metiendo.

Al regreso en su pais, invirtio mucho dinero en una fabrica clandestina de marihuana y gracias a los contactos que hizo, todo marchaba de maravilla. El dinero le llegaba mas que con la musica, los famosos se acercaban mas y mas a el en busqueda de tener su numero para "eventos " importantes.

Poco a poco la droga comenzo a afectarle,se veia a un Rafael que por las noches miraba siempre a la luna antes de comenzar a cantar. Su mirada estaba perdida alla arriba. El queria mas y mas, pero lamentablemente como toda vida de famoso comenzo a ser investigado por la policia de su pais hasta que dieron con lo que querian. Una noche fue arrestado en su mansion junto a muchas prostitutas y parte del staff de la disquera.

Si bien este fue un golpe muy duro para Rafael, tras 5 años en carcel y gracias al dinero en blanco que pudo conseguir con su carrera, logro salir y comprar una pequeña casa alejada de todo. En este momento Rafael queria paz, su vida se torno un poco hippie, sembraba y cosechaba su comida, apenas iba por provisiones a un supermercado de la ciudad mas cercana 1 o 2 veces por mes. Sus noches continuaban siendo iluminadas con la luz de la luna.

Por ello cada que alguien va a Colombia y pregunta sobre el pequeño Rafael, la gente le responde "moon Child" esta alli, 10 kilometros dentro de la selva, en el descampado pasando el sector del ganado, y si quieres verlo te conviene ir de noche y apreciar su voz.

Actualmente mi cuenta consta de:


Hoy decidi hacer una apertura de packs (aclaro que fue despues de tomar las capturas de status) por lo que voy a mostrarles que me salio:

Estoy emocionado porque me salieron 2 raras en una misma apertura de pack y no fue tan mala, fue bastante bien la apertura.

Aparte de esto tambien voy a comprar 1 carta UNICA (Es decir que no la tengo en mi coleccion) para ir mejorando de a poco y es la siguiente:

Si te interesa jugar a RisingStar te dejo mi link de referido

También puedes unirte al servidor oficial de discord para chatear con otros jugadores y resolver todas tus dudas a través del siguiente enlace
