⭐Lolita and the mourning of Flamenco+ Rising Star Opening Pack + Stats⭐
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This is the story of Lolita.
In a tiny town in Andalucia, Spain, Lola Martínez de Castillo, better known to everyone as Lolita, was born. Since she was a child, Lolita had shown enormous talent for dancing and more precisely Flamenco. Every step she took thrilled her family at first. As the years went by, she performed with a group formed by her instructor and everyone considered her to have a remarkable talent.
As she grew up, people realized that she had a strong character and a lot of determination with her art. When she had already reached adulthood, her decision was made: she was going to go to a university related to the arts; she had obtained a scholarship in Germany for a year. There, although people treated her very well, she began to miss her home and her family in Spain.
On a cold November night, Lolita was preparing to present a great show in a Berlin theater paying homage to the roots of flamenco that her family had taught her so much. She planned to do one last show before leaving for her homeland again, as her scholarship was also running out.
But that night was destined for absolute terror. While Lolita was performing, a terrorist attack occurred in the theatre. An explosion had occurred in the eastern sector of the door opening area and when she, frightened, tried to calm the audience, a second explosion occurred in the stage area where, unfortunately, she was one of those affected.
The news of the attack had shocked the whole world; no one expected this. Little by little, news of the victims of the attack began to emerge, among whom was Lolita. This shook the flamenco scene in Spain and mainly in her city. After this, dozens of people showed up to offer their condolences to her family and to convey their love so that her pain would be as fleeting and bearable as possible.
Currently my account consists of:
Level: | 389 |
Fans | 275159 |
Luck | 109250 |
Skill | 1266691 |
IM | 4967 |
Today I decided to open packs (I clarify that it was after taking the status screenshots) so I'm going to show you what I got:
I really enjoyed today's card opening! I got some nice rare cards and their designs are nice.
Apart from this, I'm also going to buy a UNIQUE card (that is, I don't have it in my collection) to improve little by little and it's the following:
If you are interested in playing RisingStar, here is my referral link
You can also join the official discord server to chat with other players and resolve all your doubts through the following link
Esta es la historia de Lolita.
En un pequeñisimo pueblo dew Andalucia, España, nacio Lola Martínez de Castillo, mas conocida por todos como Lolita. Desde niña, Lolita habia demostrado un enorme talento para el baile y mas precisamente el Flamenco. Cada paso que daba emocionaba en su primer momento a sus familiares. A medida que pasaban los años hacia presentaciones con un grupo formado por su instructora y todos consideraban que tenia un talento destacable.
A medida que crecia las personas se dieron cuenta que tenia un caracter fuerte y mucha determinacion con su arte. Cuando ya habia cumplido la edad adulta su decision estaba tomada, iba a ir a una universidad relacionada con las artes, habia conseguido una beca en Alemania por un año. Alli si bien la gente la trataba muy bien, ella comenzaba a extrañar a su casa y a su familia en España.
En una helada noche de noviembre, Lolita se preparaba para presentar un gran espectaculo en un teatro de Berlin homenajeando a las raices del flamenco que tanto su familia le habia enseñado. Pensaba hacer un ultimo show antes de partir nuevamente a su tierra natal ya que tambien se le estaba terminando la beca que habia obtenido.
Pero esa noche estaba destinada al terror absoluto. Mientras Lolita estaba presentandose un atentado terrorista ocurrio en el teatro. Una explosion habia ocurrido en el sector este de la zona de apertura de puertas y cuando ella, asustada, quiso calmar al publico ocurrio una segunda explosion en la zona del escenario donde, lamentablemente, ella fue una de las afectadas.
La noticia del atentado habia conmocionado a todo el mundo, nada se esperaba esto. Poco a poco fueron saliendo las noticias de las victimas del atentando entre las cuales se encontraba Lolita. Esto sacudio al ambito del flamenco en España y principalmente en su Ciudad. Tras esto, decenas de personas se presentaron a dar el pesame a su familia y a transmitir su cariño para que su dolor sea lo mas pasajero posible y llevadero.
Actualmente mi cuenta consta de:
Nivel: | 389 |
Fans | 275159 |
Luck | 109250 |
Skill | 1266691 |
IM | 4967 |
Hoy decidi hacer una apertura de packs (aclaro que fue despues de tomar las capturas de status) por lo que voy a mostrarles que me salio:
La apertura de cartas del dia de hoy me gusto mucho! me tocaron buenas cartas raras y sus diseños son lindos.
aparte de esto tambien voy a comprar 1 carta UNICA (Es decir que no la tengo en mi coleccion) para ir mejorando de a poco y es la siguiente:
Si te interesa jugar a RisingStar te dejo mi link de referido
También puedes unirte al servidor oficial de discord para chatear con otros jugadores y resolver todas tus dudas a través del siguiente enlace