The song my dad dedicated to me in my childhood (ESP/ENG)

Portada diseñada por mi en el editor de Canva
Hello, how are you? Music has that wonderful peculiarity of marking relevant moments in our lives and making them unique but at the same time indelible, there are songs that reach the soul and stay there, songs that make you form unbreakable bonds that last over time, so today I want to share with you something that my dad and I were talking about a few days ago, something that brings back beautiful memories of my distant childhood, but just by closing my eyes I live them intensely again.
Hola ¿cómo están? La música tiene esa maravillosa particularidad de marcar momentos relevantes en nuestras vidas y volverlos únicos pero al mismo tiempo imborrables, hay canciones que llegan al alma y se quedan allí, canciones que hacen que formes vínculos irrompibles que perduran en el tiempo, por eso hoy quiero compartir con ustedes algo que mi papá y yo estuvimos comentando hace unos días, algo que nos trae hermosos recuerdos de mi infancia lejana, pero con tan solo cerrar los ojos vuelvo a vivirlos intensamente.

First of all, let me tell you that I never liked Julio Iglesias as a singer, in fact I hardly listen to the ballad genre, but there is one song of his in particular that touches my soul because my dad liked it a lot, it made him think of me since I was very little.
En primer lugar déjenme decirles que Julio Iglesias nunca me gustó como cantante, de hecho casi no escucho el genero baladas, pero hay una canción de él en particular que me llega al alma porque a mi papá le gustaba mucho, lo hacía pensar en mi desde que yo era muy pequeñita.

The song is called "De niña a mujer" and basically it talks about the nostalgia and at the same time the fear that a father feels when he sees his little daughter growing up and getting older, maybe at that time, when I was little I didn't understand it, but now I can imagine my dad watching me play with my dolls while he thought about my future, perhaps fearful of the dangers of life, always wanting to protect me, I remember as if it were yesterday that when I was about six years old we lived in a town in the west of my state and my dad worked in the city, so he would leave very early and return in the afternoons, very tired from both work and travel, yet sometimes he would agree to my request to play, and when he refused, claiming tiredness, I couldn't understand it, I would just get angry or sad (typical of children who don't understand what it means to go out to work) but on weekends when he stayed at home I was very happy, we would both say goodbye to my mum and go to a club close to home, he would hold my hand and I would hold the hand of my doll, "Gigi".
La canción se llama "De niña a mujer" y básicamente nos haba de la nostalgia y a la vez el temor que siente un padre al ver que su hijita va creciendo y se hace mayor, tal vez en ese entonces, cuando yo era pequeña no lo entendía, pero ahora puedo imaginar a mi papá al verme jugar con mis muñecas mientras él pensaba en mi futuro, temeroso tal vez ante los peligros de la vida, queriendo protegerme siempre, recuerdo como si fuera ayer que cuando yo tenía unos seis años vivíamos en un pueblo al occidente de mi estado y mi papá trabajaba en la ciudad, por lo tanto se iba muy temprano y regresaba por las tardes, muy cansado tanto por el trabajo como por el viaje, aún así a veces accedía a mi petición de jugar, y cuando se negaba, alegando cansancio, yo no podía entenderlo, solo me enojaba o me ponía triste (algo típico de los niños que no comprenden lo que implica salir a ganarse la vida) pero los fines de semana cuando él permanecía en casa yo era muy feliz, ambos nos despedíamos de mi mamá y nos íbamos a un club que estaba cercano a casa, él me tomaba de la mano y yo tomaba la mano de mi muñeca Gigi.

In that club there was a jukebox, as I remember, it was very big and rectangular, my dad would always put in a coin and choose that beautiful song for me, when he didn't, it was me who asked him for it.... "Daddy, my song" and he would then oblige me. When the song played, I felt happy, it was mine, I must confess that I didn't pay too much attention to the lyrics, but the simple fact that my father dedicated it to me made it special for me, sometimes I listened to it more than once...
En ese club había una rocola, según recuerdo, era muy grande y rectangular, mi papá siempre metía una moneda y elegía aquella hermosa canción para mi, cuando él no lo hacía era yo quien se la pedía... "Papi, mi canción" y él entonces me complacía. Cuando la canción sonaba, yo me sentía feliz, era mía, debo confesar que no le prestaba demasiada atención a la letra, pero el simple hecho de que mi padre me la dedicara ya la hacía especial para mi, a veces la escuchaba más de una vez...
My dad and I have always had a very good relationship, even though we often argue and that happens because, as my mum and my sister say, he and I are very similar, we have the same character, but I think this song brought us even closer together, maybe back then, when I was a child, that was his way of expressing his feelings, his fears and uncertainty as he watched me grow up. Certainly I confirm how important music is in people's lives, there are songs that tell stories but there are also some that mark stories, that create happy memories and strengthen emotional bonds.
Mi papá y yo siempre hemos tenido una muy buena relación, a pesar de que muchas veces discutimos y eso sucede porque tal como mi mamá y mi hermana dicen, él y yo somos muy iguales, tenemos el mismo carácter, pero creo que esta canción nos unió todavía más, tal vez en ese entonces, cuando yo era niña, esa era su forma de expresarme sus sentimientos, sus temores e incertidumbre al verme crecer. Ciertamente confirmo lo importante que es la música en la vida de las personas, hay canciones que cuentan historias pero también hay algunas que marcan historias, que crean recuerdos felices y fortalecen vínculos afectivos.

It is a beautiful experience that I wanted to share with you but I would like to know what is that special song or songs that have marked your life? Thank you very much for taking the time to read this post, I really appreciate it 😊
Es una bonita experiencia que quise compartir con ustedes pero me gustaría saber ¿Cuál es esa canción o canciones especiales que han marcado sus vidas? Muchas gracias por tomarse el tiempo de leer este post, de verdad lo aprecio 😊
Lyric of the song
and you already liked me
your stare looked for mine
you were playing to be a woman.
A few years won to time
dressed up with another skin
and my life that no longer expected anything
liked you as well.
I missed you so much
that not seeing you by my side
I was dreaming to see you again.
And meanwhile I was inventing you
from girl to woman.
And that girl of long silents
was flying so high
that my stare was trying to reach her
But I couldn't see her.
I stopped her on time, thinking
that she shouldn't grow up.
But time was cheating on me
my girls was becoming a woman
I loved her so much
that when she went away from my side
I knew I was going to lose her
Because her soul was changing
from girl to woman.
I loved her so much
that when she went away from my side
I knew I was going to lose her
Because her soul was changing
from girl to woman.

Imagen diseñada por mi en el editor de Canva.

Imagen diseñada por mi en el editor de Canva.
All images in this post are my own, taken with a ZTE Blade A51.
Todas las imágenes de este post son de mi propiedad, las tomé con un teléfono celular ZTE Blade A51.
Qué bonita la manera en que conectamos personas y emociones con la música, aunque ésta no sea de nuestro estilo favorito. Definitivamente la música es magia
Sí, es lindo poder conectar de esa forma, la música es maravillosa, no tiene edad ni fronteras. Muchas gracias por leer y comentar.
vermon! tu papá es un hombre que sabe, mi mamá me la dedicó también. Es muy linda esta canción y todo un clásico! Saludos!
¿En serio? Que lindo, ese es un gesto muy tierno, la verdad es que es una canción muy linda. 😊
There are songs that tell stories but there are also some that mark stories, that create happy memories and strengthen emotional bonds.
I really have the same feelings with this words.
I just realized we also have a story about the relationship between a daughter and a father. My father has passed away and how much I miss him. I once mentioned in one of my content how music or a song can make us remember moments and make us get emotional. There is one song and when I listen to that song, I will immediately think of my father and it makes me suddenly cry. That's how influential a song is in our lives. It is so powerful.
It is true, music is magic, it helps us to remember, sometimes it makes us cry but it allows us to drain negative emotions, music renews and heals. I'm so sorry your father died, but I'm sure he must be very proud of you from wherever he is, strong bonds are unbreakable. 😊
Yes, thank you :)
Sometimes, I wish I could turn back time