Electronic Festival and Beach Adventure: An Unforgettable Weekend at Playa Caletón.


This weekend, I embarked on an exciting journey with the best friends in the world, which turned out to be an amazing and unforgettable experience. I want to share it with you here since it was an unforgettable weekend experience.

Our journey began around 9 AM at the meeting point we had agreed upon, which was the municipal terminal—a place that serves as the connection between the city and many destinations outside of it. When I arrived, I received several complaints because I was a bit late since I was out gathering some supplies for the trip.

Finally, after a few hours of waiting due to transportation issues caused by some setbacks, a vehicle appeared that saved the day. We finally arrived at our destination, Caletón Beach, the place that would be our home for the next 24 hours, where the most wonderful adventures awaited us.

Here we were already making our way into the small beach, and the ones ahead are the friends who accompanied me on this trip, making their triumphant entrance onto the sand, hahaha.

After greeting and chatting with the people we knew in the area, we got to work setting up the camp. We started by pitching the tents to secure our belongings and have a shelter ready before nightfall. We also hung up our hammocks to relax in the afternoon. Along the way, we helped others who didn’t know how to set up their tents, which turned out to be a bonus, as we made new friends in the process.

After the work was done, it was time to cool off a bit. The water was waiting for us, along with the friends who had already gone ahead. Time for a swim and to enjoy the sea.

As night fell, the real fun began. The stage lights came on, where several DJs and artists from the eastern part of the country were set to perform. Soon, we were all gathered, surrounded by vibrant colors, ready to enjoy and dance to the most energetic and varied rhythms until dawn.

I hope you enjoy this post as much as I did. See you in future adventures!
