Three Tune Tuesday - Music of the 80s



Hello Hive Community! We share our favorite music daily in the #inleo threads platform during #partytime. I just found out about #threetunetuesday started by @ablaze so today I'll be sharing some music here.

Music of the 80s

The 80s was a great time for music. A lot of artists came out in different genres like pop, hip-hop, new wave and heavy metal. I grew up in the 80s and I remember buying cassette tapes of Michael Jackson, Metallica and The Cure among others. Today, I'll be sharing some music from that era which had an influence in me when I was a kid.

1. Body Rock - Maria Vidal


Body Rock was the soundtrack from the movie of the same title. The movie was not well received but this song was very popular in our country. You can hear this song playing every day. This song was a cultural phenomenon as break dancing also became popular among kids in our country. I remember after class, my classmates and I will practice break dancing but I was not so good though. We had some moves like moonwalk, strut, headspin, Chinese-get-up and somersaults. Later on we would go to the park to have a dance battle with kids from other schools.

2. Beat It - Michael Jackson


The album "Thriller" was Michael Jackson's first number one. This included the songs Thriller, Beat It and Billie Jean among others which reached the top ten Billboard chart. They were all popular in our country. Again, this has a lot of impact for us growing in the 80s. Kids were copying Michael Jackson's moves and how he dressed. Even local celebrities were copying him.


3. Moment of Truth - Survivor


Moment of Truth was the soundtrack of the movie, "The Karate Kid". If you've seen "Cobra Kai" on Netflix then you are familiar with "The Karate Kid" which is the origin of the feud between Johnny and Daniel.

In the tradition of Rocky, an underdog (Daniel LaRusso) trains to face his toughest challenge in full contact Karate. Just as Rocky had "Gonna Fly Now", The Karate Kid had "Moment of Truth". Both songs are catchy and motivating. I remember when this movie came out Karate became popular in our country and a lot of Dojos opened. Kids were doing the crane kick in the streets!

For bonus, here's "Gonna Fly Now" from Rocky II.


Now, these songs are nostalgic and part of my childhood. Going forward I'll be sharing some more music from the 80s. I hope you enjoy them.

Thanks for reading!

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Wow, this is my first time of hearing Maria Vidal.

Beat-it is Legendary 🦵 🕺 Michael Jackson song are very 😊 great.

And I have also watched Cobra kai


I hope you've seen Karate Kid I by now. Nice seeing Johnny and Daniel in their youth 😀
