Back to rehearsals for the next carnival [We prepare in winter to celebrate in summer]


Good Saturday, my dear friends of Weekend Experiences, I hope you are all feeling well. If I can tell you anything about my weekends, it is that they are happy again, as the murga meetings are back, and with the beginning of this new month, the beginning of rehearsals.


I know I was extremely intense with this activity in the summer of the southern hemisphere, why lie to you, I live for the carnival and those months I am full of life, and it is that the desire to go out into the streets, not only to celebrate, to accompany us and to provide the show for which we work so hard, springs in the blood.


If we look at it this way, today there are exactly 8 months left until February 2025, this year I start with a new challenge and that is to learn to play percussion, we will see how I progress for a few months and if I do not manage to learn what is necessary, I will return to dance, where I will also have to make an effort. The body asks for murga, and when a bass drum sounds, fears and worries disappear, I would almost say therapeutic, the heavy world disappears, everything looks a little happier and lighter with murga in my life.


Although the photographs that decorate today's post are not of my authorship, they are all chosen from those sent to the murga's communication group, one of those that I like the most and makes my life happy is the poster that crowns our square “ Square the soul that sings” Poetic as it is, Zarabanda Arrabalera turned 16 years old about fifteen days ago... reason why we self-convened to eat some noodles with sauce and talk about various topics.


We talk about the proposals for the coming year, how we will generate money and evaluate different proposals, how we move forward on other issues that although they include few people, are of interest to all. The truth is that, for those who do not know, this type of self-convened and self-managed groups are difficult to carry out, especially in an economy as unstable as Argentina's and above all, with how expensive everything is. That is to say, it would be beautiful if everyone could collaborate with some money in a stable way, and thus have a fund for February, but it is impossible because between transportation, the cost of the costumes, December in the middle, vacations and not to mention those who are a family, 3 members, for example. You cannot consider a fixed amount per month, it is very variable.


What we do know is that with strength of heart, with pure lung, we get together, cook, sell dishes of stew, raffles and help each other in what we can save, so in this way, with a group more than good and companion, which always helps the one next to us, this murga is still standing and planning its new show.


Now comes the beautiful part, of uncertainty and enjoyment. We will create songs, dance steps, drumming, we will receive some new additions, and we will renew the love that we all have together. It will be the dream reunion, in our square in Parque de los Patricios, the neighborhood that gave birth to us.


I hope you like my story, now that we are resuming this activity and that it is planned specifically for weekends, so that most of you can participate. Although winter is coming, this murga does not sleep, does not rest, is not asleep. Shouting all together ¡ Long live Argentina!


Thanks for reading me, Kiki✨

barra little sorceress gif.gif

The photos are not of my authorship
they belong to the whole murga, however I edited them to my liking in Canva

With the exception of the photo of my feet, the selfie and Ramiro with wig, which were taken with Samsung A42📷

Translated with DeepL

Let's talk on Discord: littlesorceress #8877


click in the baner to join
