Elysian Flutter


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A new generation coming out of its cocoon, we passed around secret flyers detailing time and place. Tale of the tribe, Alien Dreams, Lysergic Beats, or some such extravagant title along with graphics of UFOs, mushrooms, alien shamans, pyramids, and so on. Then Saturday night arrived, and we all met at the assigned secret location and waited for the rented bus to arrive.

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Who were we? An assortment of young creatures in colourful attire likely purchased at second hand stores, so there were plenty of bell bottoms and other silky velvety 60s and 70s chic with a splash of 80s neon. When we arrived at the undisclosed location (to avoid unwarranted attention), we could hear the music pumping in the cavernous warehouse that had been rented for the festivities.

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We entered into dim smokey atmosphere, where lasers cut through the air in sync to the tunes spinned out by the DJ's twirling fingers. Our arms immediately began waving, our steps skipped a beat, heads bobbing up and down, arms undulating, body sleek seal slippery, DANCE! There was no need to pair up or dance in groups This wasn't a meat market. This was several species of small furry animals gathered together in a cave and grooving with a turn-table and synth. Each one of us was doing his or her own thing. Dancing to the beat. That's all. Lost in an inner world of motor-sensory visions while kinesthetically connected to each other by the flow of movement and shared special effects.

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This is my latest tune created using AI (Udio). This time, I prompted the software to create a catchy electronic ambient tune using the following lyrics that I wrote:

Blue dreams come to me
Then I feel like I'm floating in the air
Oh, it's all so bright and colorful
In this wonderful blue dream

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I specified that I wanted female vocals, and I think the software did a great job (even using auto-tune!)

I repurposed some but not all images from a previous video. No need to reinvent the wheel when the vibe is right.

I put the video together in MS clip champ. As you may have seen in the video, I used some special effects to funkify the video.

I liked the results of this 32 second clip. The lyrics were used very creatively in spite of the fact that I wrote them. The title of the song was generated by the software, but I find it very apt. I just noticed that there is an option to extend the song beyond its 32 seconds, but I didn't try it out yet. If it works right, it would be very very impressive and highly useful for those interested in exploring this brave new world of music and artificial intelligence.

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XInLeoInstagramNFT Showroom

Images and audio generated by @litguru using Generative Art software

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The video looked great and the colours and the overlays. Super!😃




😸 Hello, @eve66! Thank you so much for your support. Have a beautiful day!

Pura Vida! (como dicen en Costa Rica :)

