From Porn to Pop: Traci Lords, Queen of the Dancefloor


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It's been more than 30 years since rock music was still important and had great relevance. Artists were not pop bunnies who sang with computer voices, but stars with guitars, poets, explainers of the world.

We look back in a series. Today we have "1000 Fires" by the famous actrice Traci Lords.

The former porn queen and later B-movie actress tries her hand at being a dance floor queen. Because Ms. Lords, as we have known since her epochal duet with the Manic Street Preachers "Little Baby Nothing", cannot sing, and therefore, as a precaution, she only has her thin voice alienated, sampled and crushed on tape, 1000 Fires has almost become an instrumental work.

The involvement of the underage Lords in the production of hardcore porn films caused a nationwide scandal in the USA in 1986. Her musical work doesn't. She sings like a "Fallen Angel", needed "Control", sings "Love never dies" and ist looking for "Somebody to Love", but there ist no new "Little Baby Nothing", no song who is going under the skin and straigt to the heart.

Accompanied by Ben Watkins and Mike Edwards (Jesus Jones), Traci Lords moves indecisively between professionally crafted herdcore assembly line beats in “Control” and ballad-like “spoken word” schmaltz as in "Fathers Fields".

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