RE: Merkules - ''Rich Men North Of Richmond'' Remix


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I'm starting to thnk time is not a constant when it's experienced by a conscious being..

Sorta like how time flies sometimes or hours drag on... Einstien said the speed of light and time is constant... I'd argue that it's only constant relative to the state in which the observer is able to process it.. which is variable depending on brain wave frewquencies.

If this isn't an ancestor simulation or some 6th dimensional beings science project.... then I dunno how to explain all the mandella effects and reality glitches.


The time factor is strange and I have really dove into aging and also the Twin Stranger effect. How are there these other people that supposedly not related but end up looking basically the same? It is like they are clones. Some people will say it is just genetics.

The aging is weird because some people are eating pink sludge burgers from McDonalds and others are trying to eat healthy to give us more time. Also exercise takes time but also gives us more time on the back end and exercise gives you more energy but also makes you tired. Getting sun seems to be the same in some respects. The sun gives energy to all but it also exhaust you when your skin and body tries to process that energy.

But yeah the twin stranger thing almost seems like a glitch.

This whole world is like games stacked on top of games stacked on top of games. Everything is gamified. So who are we working for? Did someone purchase our characters like an NFT? No one told us what the goal is here.
