[ESP//ENG] El Mundo Musical | The Musical World 🎼


El mundo de la música sin duda te ofrece miles de oportunidades en muchos sentidos, es por ello que hoy quiero contarte un poco de lo que la música me ha enseñado.

Lo más importante ha sido la determinación y la responsabilidad, ambas van de las manos ya que una empuja a la otra para lograr las metas; la música es un mundo complicado pero sin estas dos bases sería el terror.

Muy poco hablan de que los músicos estamos vulnerables de sufrir ansiedad y tener una carga grande de responsabilidades que hacen que lleguemos al límites de la demencia (estoy siendo sarcástica 😅) pero sí, sin estas dos herramientas que debes forzar desde el principio todo puede convertirse en un caos.

Otras de las cosas ha sido la importancia de la amistad, en este camino me han colocado personas valiosas que a pesar del tiempo siguen siendo hermanos de la vida, aquellos que estaban contigo pasando los nervios de las pruebas, que te decían: “llegamos hoy a la 6am para estudiar antes del ensayo y no pasar pena”, o aquel que te decía no entremos hoy y vámonos a …

Puedo seguir aquí conversando de muchas cosas, pero sé los iré contando en varios post.

Y si tú que eres músico, cuéntame un poco de lo que te han enseñado la música?

The world of music undoubtedly offers you thousands of opportunities in many ways, which is why today I want to tell you a little about what music has taught me.

The most important thing has been determination and responsibility, both go hand in hand since one pushes the other to achieve the goals; music is a complicated world but without these two bases it would be terror.

Very little is said about the fact that musicians are vulnerable to suffering from anxiety and having a large load of responsibilities that make us reach the limits of dementia (I'm being sarcastic 😅) but yes, without these two tools that you must force from the beginning, everything can become in a chaos

Other things have been the importance of friendship, valuable people have placed me on this path who, despite the time, continue to be brothers of life, those who were with you going through the nerves of the tests, who told you: "we arrived today at 6am to study before rehearsal and not feel embarrassed", or the one who told you not to go in today and let's go to...

I can continue here talking about many things, but I know I will tell them in several posts.

And if you are a musician, tell me a little about what music has taught you?

Puedes ubicarme por mis Redes Sociales

You can locate me through my Social Networks


I love music and am passionate about it. Musical Instruments drive me crazy in a good way and I love it.

Though I can't play any musical instruments yet due to finances I do wish to learn someday so that I can explore the World of music.

I do have good taste in music because they resonate with me.


It is never too late to learn to play an instrument, and while you can't you can read and continue enjoying music. 😊


Yes, I know. Someday, I will learn, that I know of. For now, as you said, I am enjoying music life being a listener.
