Beautiful Day
Image Sourced From Pexel And Edited With Pixalab

A good day is recognized by its brightness. I woke up this morning with the reflection of the sun from the East reflecting through my glass window, coming out the verandah, I discovered that the rising sun is neither harsh but rather warm.
Beside my pavement was my Mp3 player voicing out at the top of it volume on the song by U2 titled the "Beautiful day" is quit amazing to have heard this music voicing out at it highest volume and how beautiful it is as the sun rises from East to west, it was just a sign that day is blessed and beautiful already.
Today being the beautiful day reminds of the past night that breaks out for today which all goes with beautiful dreams of mine. Today is my pleasure to recognize that I am in the land of the living after sleeping through some couple of hours at night. Today since I am alive I can boost for today's good endeavors and for more achievement by effort with God's grace that strengthens me.
The energetic strength I woke up with today indicates that the spirit is willing to overcome today's activities with my potential within my reach. This song has already inspired me that there is going to be a calmness within the noise environment as much as I have to pause and take a breath to appreciate the wonders that accompanied this day.
At Least today signals that there will be that transformative power of hope that I have to celebrate which is decorate the beauty of today which am already open, my arms are already wide beyoung my size to embrace it at the end of today's activities, which am hopefully that it will comes out well.
Getting to work yesterday, seeing new faces, interaction with them making some deal and achieving my aim yesterday and in as much as is a good day for me yesterday that gave birth to today is a sign that inspired me that today is blessed and will be more beautiful as the previous day, as am already filling the wave from my dream already.
I will not fail to take advantage of the privilege that is accompanied with this days being bright and fair, so will i not let it to go free without taking advantage of it by leveraging on the opportunities that comes with this day, as this day is beautiful don't let it get away just that because i'm inspired keep hold upon the gate of the remaining hour of the day am upon.
Today is blessed already, this song has reminded me of some other days like this in the past which ended with interesting testimonies to remember, this song by U2 has really Inspired me based on understanding that once there a new day there is new hope in line over the past that has failed and in the other way round it has to remind me that if I can be able to achieve it in the past I can do it again for another beautiful day.
I don't fail to remember the past days, that is decorated with beauty that the world can offer, because it what actually count in for me in achieving the best, I can and in time to come as today is already counted as one of them, this song has already inspired me in diverse ways, which gave me the assurance even in the midst of the bad days, there is always a day to celebrate which is exactly how life plays out and look like.
As much as today is a beautiful day for the past, I have the reasons why I have to appreciate and work upon myself in achieving the best, because the day is beautiful because we make it beautiful by our potential.
This song have a lot of conveyed information that the beautiful day has alot to Impact in my life and you too and for others, in as much as U2 said in the lyrics of his song that we ought let the beautiful day go that way, reminded me to be properly guarded in the journey of life as It is a beautiful day and don't let it get away.
Is a pleasure and it pleases me to applaud the effort of the 2U in reminding the past glorious and beautiful days including today which I had experience so far, hearing this song play in my MP3 player today, is really an encouragement to acknowledge the past and take advantage of today for tomorrow, indeed this song has created an impact to acknowledge the beauty of every day.
The gift of seeing each day is truly a privilege. It's a beautiful day Indeed.
Oh... i hope the good day i have today reached your side
We always underestimate the grace of witness the start of another new day. So it is good to be grateful and live every day as if it is our last. With each new day comes new things to explore.
Waoo... u really tune me on with your comment, i so much like where you said that we have to live everyday as if is the last day, interesting friend, is a pleasure to have your review on this