Sharing Some Manu Chao For TTT


For TTT I thought I'd share a band I have liked for years now, but one which I've never shared here before. Manu Chao.


Welcome To Tijuana - Manu Chao

They have so much energy in their music, especially when listening to their live sessions. This version of the song is one of my favourites, and is one I often go back to listen to.

I love the bass, and how effective it is here, the way it drops, to comes back in slowly running through a few notes until the build-up hits its pinnacle, and kicks back in to bring everything back to full swing, it's amazing what a few punchy notes can do for a song, and it's something that I've incorporated where possible in my own band's music.

Me Gustas Tu - Manu Chao

This is such a class song. I don't know what it is about these guys, but they can re-use particular tunes, or riffs and completely turn them into something new. I think any other band trying to do this same thing wouldn't be able to do it as effectively as them. This is two songs, blended into one.

Also, I love how different they are live to their studio versions. Listening to them live, they're more like a punk band, rather than a reggae/ ska/ dub band. I'm not really sure what genre they are but live, they definitely have a punk vibe or at least the type of punk that I like; upbeat as fuck.

Mr. Bobby - Manu Chao

This is one of the songs from one of their first live concerts I saw. Before this, I only knew the album Clandestino - I just spelt it right without having to look it up - and this was the first time I realised what they were like live.

One of my biggest regrets was a few years ago, Manu Chao, Culture Shock, and Scrubious Pip were playing on the same night, and I decided to see Culture Shock. I loved the gig, but I'm raging I didn't go to see Manu Chao.

I'm keeping them on my radar though, because the next time I see that they're playing I'm going to go see them.


Me gustas tu was the song I had to remember for my spanish exam lol


Oh cool, that's interesting. I'd say music is a good way to learn a language.


Another band I don't really know, but they have great energy. I'm sure their shows are good fun. I hope you get to see them some time.



They're so good, I've enjoyed them for years. Fingers crossed man, I'd love to get a chance to see them live.
