

Today, I done something that I haven't done in a very long time... I practiced.

My beat up old bass, and my dusty old amp

I'm going to get the other half of this stack out of storage soon, and then I can really start shaking some foundations.

Solo Jam

I headed out to the shed at around 11:30, and I played straight until about 1:15, and it was a really good session.

It has been so long since I done something properly. Up until now, I would pick the bass up for about 10 minutes, maybe less, and in that time I'd just noodle around and not really do anything productive.

Today, was so good, based on how different it was. Instead of picking the bass up and wondering what to do, I went out with a bit of a mission in mind. Not only did I run through a bunch of our own songs, but I even played some of the old covers. Some, I had to really think about it and try to find the notes, but some came back so easily.

I'm not going to say that my spark is back fully, but there is certainly an ember there, which may just turn into a flame. Will it turn into a white hot inferno? I have no idea, but if we do another few sessions like we had yesterday, it just might.

I think all of us walked away from yesterday reinvigorated.

My passion for music, in general, never left. I still find myself taking the opportunity to listen to music whenever I can. My passion for music, however, ended when it came to playing it.

I through the term Music Block around a couple of times, and that was the best way I could describe it. That's how it felt. Now though, I do feel a bit unblocked.

The prospect of playing a gig at the end of May is most likely to thing that reignited me. Playing gigs is my favourite aspect of music in general. Jam sessions are a lot of fun, but it's the gigs that the real fun - as far as I'm concerned - happens.

There was so much advice floating around. One piece of advise I received was to listen to some of my favourite bands and see if that helps. It didn't, but one thing that kind of did was seeing Limp Bizkit.

It was after that gig that I felt energized, and over the next few days I put the wheels in motion to get us jamming. The result of that was our session yesterday and we have another one coming up this Thursday.

Yesterday was about dusting the cobwebs off, but the next one will be about really giving it a good go. A few days in between of practicing solo should help that.


Sometimes motivation is hard to find. You can do all sorts of exercises on any instrument, but playing songs is much more fun. Having a gig to prepare for will help. Good to hear you are playing again.

