A Creative Block


It has been a while since I've written any fiction, and I don't really know why.


Out of Ideas?

I don't think the well has ran dry, so to speak, but maybe it has.

At one stage I was doing maybe 3-5 short stories a week, especially when I was writing the last novella. Say, 700+ words a day, about 5 - 6+ parts per chapter.

I was able to write it all in a really short space of time, because I was kind of hyper-focused on it, and it was the only thing I was interested in spending time to write about.

There have been other weeks where I have written short stories, as well as a few Worldbuilding posts, in one week. But, even the worldbuilding has slowed down drastically in the last month.

Plenty of evenings, when everyone else was asleep, I would get flashes of ideas, quickly write them down in my notepad on my phone, and come back to them the next day, as soon as I had some time. Or, I'd read a prompt, and a thousand ideas would come to mind, but now, nothing.

I'm sure if I really focused, I could write something. It's just that, I really don't like the idea of forcing myself to do anything.


Music Block

All of my other creative outlets have come to a complete halt too.

For example, I've played my bass, maybe 3 times in the last couple of months. Only one of those time did I have fun, and do something I was really happy with.

But, I still listen to music when I get a chance, and I'm still interested in listening to it. It's just not sparking my want to play it myself.

This music-block has been going on for months, if I'm honest. It's been a long time since the last time I jammed with either band, as in, maybe 5-6 months.

Speaking with my dad about it, I asked him if he ever felt that way about Guitar, and to my relief he said, yes.

I'm kind of afraid, because I feel like I've litrally lost my want, or enjoyment, of playing music. I just don't have any interest in it, and haven't in the last couple of months, and I don't know why.

I don't even think I could call it music block, because I feel as though I'm not trying to play, and struggling to get a good sound out of it. I literally feel like I don't care anymore, and I'm just not bothered.

The thought of jamming gives me anxiety, even though there is a small voice in the back of my head saying I would enjoy it.


Even the model making has stopped for a long time now, even though I would actually like to push myself to make something, and have even written some ideas for things to make.

I don't know guys, it's as if everything I do, which is creative, has just completely stopped, and I'm not feeling it anymore.

I really don't want to force myself to do anything creative, because it'll turn out bad, and will most likely result in me doubling down on not wanting to do anything.

It's confusing, and the first time, in a long time that I've felt like this.


I've been feeling less creative recently too. A few years back I was writing loads of songs, but I've hardly come up with any lately. Maybe I need to make more time to work on that. I do need to work on stuff for the band with a gig coming up.


Maybe it's just something in the air man. I was kind of the same, getting sparks for lyrics, or some riffs, but nothing like that has happened in a good while.

Maybe it would be nice to do a music retreat. A weekend away with a few of the others, and just some good playing, and fun. Try to re-invigerate the interest again.


Intense periods of productive activity sometimes lead to feeling yourself drained of creative energy. It's like the brain needs to reboot. The opposite can also occur, you have so many ideas that your brain paralyzes and you can't start any of them 😅 I hope you get your mojo back soon. :)


Thanks man, and I think I've experienced something similar to the latter, it was like I had 3/4 stories on the go, and I don't think any of them ended up getting finished.

They're still sitting there waiting for me to return to them, maybe reading through one of them and continuing might spark some thoughts.


It's totally normal and totally okay to feel burnout and to take some time away from your creative passions and let them sit on the back burner. They'll be there when you get the itch to return. In times when I don't have the creative drive to make stuff myself, I'll put on a podcast or read a book that is somewhat connected to the subject matter I'd like to create, and sometimes after a few days of that it gets things moving again. But, sometimes I just need a few weeks doing stuff around the house, with my kids, and outside before my creative impulses come back.


You know what, I think that's a good idea. I haven't really watched any model makers, or writers talking about their processes, so maybe that would help get me back in order.

I get what you mean about potentially taking some time to just let it breathe, while getting on with other stuff. I think that's just what I need, and in a couple more weeks things will get back to normal.


You've got a lot going on in real life, so it's no surprise !

I'm kind of the other way around. When I'm stressed or overworked, my relaxation is to disappear inside my own head for a bit and see what worldbuilding or creative writing ideas crawl out the other side.

Something I sometimes do if I'm feeling a bit blocked is go back over old posts and see what other stories are waiting there trying to be told. It might be a sequel for a main character, a prequel, or maybe the story of one of the minor (or even throwaway) characters. I also go over old writing prompts in Worldbuilding to see if there's one that grabs me with a story.

But the main thing is to make sure real life is no more stressful and tiring than it has to be, everything else follows from that. Good luck ! 😀


When I spoke with Aimee, and kind of said the extent that the block has now taken, (I told her about the music block, but mentioned that it's now a kind of writers block, and a sculpting block too)

She said that maybe it's because there are just too many things going on, and said that since the selling stuff started, I've been kind of focusing more on doing that, rather than anything else. Which, I guess makes sense.

I'm the same, there have been times that I've been much busier, and still managed to create a lot of interesting stuff, while regularly jamming and learning songs.

You know, that's not a bad idea, hitting one of the old stories from a new perspective, potentially, or even re-writing something old, and making something new out of it, or maybe edit it. It is fairly normal to take these breaks though, so I've heard, so maybe I should just hold off for a bit, and let my mind settle. It's hard to know for sure, what to do.
