My sentimental attachment to Movies/TvShow soundtracks.



Hello, it's three tunes day. C'mon, let's have a blast with this.

For the record, #ttt (Three Tunes Tuesday) is an ongoing initiative which is organized by @ablaze for all music lovers. Catch the full gist about that HERE.

I've added a lot of twists and turns to the theme I use to pick my three tunes whenever I'm making an entry to the Three Tunes Tuesday initiative. This time around, I decided to go with something even more unique... A bunch of soundtracks from a mix of Movies and TvShows that I've seen within the last couple of years.

As a big Cinephile and a music fan, I've found myself getting attached to a lot of songs that are used as soundtracks in Movies and TV shows. For the record, it takes a great deal of significance for any soundtrack to get into my playlist. The ones that are already in there are there for sentimental reasons and I shared one of them in this post.

Enjoy the soundtracks and read carefully to spot the one that is on my playlist.

1. Red Right Hand from PEAKY BLINDERS.

I'm a big fan of history and I like shows that shine light on historical events. This particular soundtrack is the theme song of Peaky Blinders, a TV show that tells the story of the Shelby family and their gang's operation in Birmingham. If you are a TV show fan, chances are really high that you know about this TV show and the song.

Cillian did a very good job in his portrayal of Thomas Shelby and he nailed his acting in the show. The soundtrack itself sends chills down my spine. It's like a heavy metal old-school jam that hits hard. Check that out.

2. Theme Song from Pirates Of The Caribbean.

Ahaa... Johnny Deep as Jack Sparrow in Pirates of the Caribbean is just so iconic. The two look like they are made for each other and it's just so remarkable to see what this movie means to a lot of people. The soundtrack is also soothing in a very weird way.

I shouldn't be enjoying a song about Pirates, but I genuinely can't help it. Haha. Whenever I hear that sound, it just brings back flashes of Jack Sparrow pulling the weirdest stunts while on his adventure. Lol.

3. Yaori's Reason from The Veil (Kdrama).

You are likely more familiar with either of the first two soundtracks I mentioned. Those are more popular film projects than The Veil, a Kdrama. Regardless of the lesser popularity which this Kdrama has, the soundtrack is in my playlist and I buzz it in significant moments because of the sentimental attachment I have to it.

To be fair, I'm always sentimental about a fairly decent Kdrama project and I vibe more to their soundtracks than any other soundtrack in the Cine world. Yaori outdid herself in this song and I'm all-in for the thrill I get while vibing to this.

These are just a few of the soundtracks I vibe to and there are so much more that could have easily made it to the list. However, we can't go beyond three tunes, right? Haha. Amazing!

Thanks For Not Missing Any Full-stop or Comma.
Thumbnail Image is taken from Unsplash


I agree that the soundtrack from pirates of the Caribbean is quite soothing. For some weird reason, It reminds me so much of adventure.

This are some interesting soundtracks that you have shared.


Yeah. That Pirates of the Caribbean soundtrack is the type that hits really hard. I'm looking forward to what they will do with Johnny Deep's character in the subsequent parts of the Movie


Hahaha Pirates of the Caribbean, one of my favorite movies series. I agree with you about that theme song, it's soothing in a weird way that I never want it to end.

It's funny how I have all the seasons of Peaky Blinders on my phone and have never watched it. I think I will be doing so during this holiday season.

Thank you for sharing these amazing tunes.



Haha... You really haven't watched the Peaky Blinders? Wow! You are in for an adventure when you finally make out time to watch that. Lol.

Movie producers are doing a good job of using remarkable soundtracks. It makes the movies very memorable.


It's like a heavy metal old-school jam that hits hard.

You are right with the first song. I love the soundtrack too. One would easily vibe to it as it has some jam in it.
You have nice collections of soundtracks on your playlist.


That first song hits really hard. It's an amazing soundtrack from the makers of Peaky Blinders. It's awesome.


So you don't just watch movies, you also pay deep attention to the sound tracks??? This is serious! 😂
Well, you obviously know how to dig out interesting movies which you enjoy watching. Ride on bro ! 👍



Hahah... The TvShows are on one side but the soundtracks, especially the ones that hits well, makes the shows even more interesting. Haha.
