Cracking good album


Always loved this album, and Arjen, was introduced to this band by my second girlfriend, sitting in her room in Dullich Hill, looking out the window at a tree, her entire room was black, so funny, and, should the building still exist, there is a lot, of artwork underneath the paint, it was all painted over, she once, for a brief time, worked in Bus Insurance, i forget the name of the company, but i did used to talk with them on the phone, it wasnt QRM ... was someone else that had the contract, i really dont remember, and yeah, her Uncle who she lived with, worked in demolitions, both sadly, had some rather far right ideologies, which progressed into the modern day, which is regrettable, but back then, in that time, they were not like that, yeah she was my second girlfriend, and the one that hurt me the most, honestly, if you do a timeline chart, its her, that makes me immune to breakups, fyi, super hottie goth scene girl, not even sure if she is still about, if you are out there girl, blows a kiss you gotta clean up the memes girl, like seriously, im a libertarian, but you really really push it to far sometimes, i mean i suppose it doesnt matter in private, but still, even i, never ever ever came up with that shit or kind of ideas, mind you, you might have only been "shock jocking" who knows, havent spoke with you for years - i loved that apartment, and dullich hill is such a nice place, the coffee shops? remember the coffee shops, wake up, smoke, listen to music, go down stairs, you would always put your glasses on and then we would go to a coffee shop, the glasses come from me :)

Anyway, servers probably back up, Whun Zero, you were, so beautiful :) hope your well, wherever you are, please try and calm down the ultra far right stuff dear, it really isnt a good look, even if the memes are for the lols

And i will say this, your family, are they not in the ultra rich area above newcastle, i forget the name, the place that was sinking into the water , if you or any of your kin are about, hello o7 i mean no disrespect, at all, she truly was one of my favourites, i would not be the man i am today, without your daughter, "tempered the steel" as it was, such a beautiful person, and truth be told, thats where i get my kink for insurance girls from ... but we can leave it there, i am trying to keep it PG / M rated - not R
