Music Monday | Industry 'the soundtrack'


Every now and then you run into these awesome TV-shows that really make an impact and that you are totally shocked by them. Previous year this surely was the series 'Industry' which you can find on HBO.

Industry is a fresh and high paced series about a group of traders working in London equity market. Now I don't really know what this world on the trading market is like, but I would image this is the way it is. And that way is awesome to watch on TV and terrible to think about if this is actually the way it goes.

A lot sleeping around, a lot of drugs in the office, and a lot of getting fired for zero reason. Shocking I would call some of the episodes and that it what makes the so nice.

The cool thing about this series is also what kind of music is used in the scenes. This is one of those moments where the music actually enhances the series.

I noticed it a couple of times and recognized a couple of songs and decided to take a look on Spotify to see what was all in the playlists. And wow there were a couple of gems in there. If you have nothing to do, you can also just open that playlist and enjoy hours of decent classics.

Let's have a look at some of things that were used.

Warning...there are serious spoilers here about stuff that happens in the series. The choice is totally your own if you want to continue to read here.

Youtube has a random clip of a scene online. Just look at it and listen to all what the soundtrack brings. Multiple good songs already just here in this scene.

Suspense everywhere!!!

But hey...just open the sountrack and enjoy the songs.

Bearcubs - Underwaterfall

Now the funny thing is what I had thins song already popping by in a lot of playlists here, rather to more funny how funny it was to all of a sudden hear this one in the series. Does this also remind you of 'James Blake?' Well, it aint him, but it sure looks like it!

It's a pity that I can't really find which song was used in which episode otherwise I would totally watch the snippets of the scene back. Or does anyone have some genius tool for this? See it like a reversed 'Shazam'.

Rival Consoles - Hidden

I was more than surprised that this song was put in series. And on the other hand I was not surprised at all as it suits the setting perfectly. What a deepness and enhancement to this scene!.

When this scene popped by I was nearly shouting at my screen of enthusiasm. The trade of trades it is almost, you can just see that Harper is having an internal debate if she is going to save her ass, make a profit and potentially go to jail.

And while she is making that internal debate, that is where the break in the song is...the beat comes back and it is all said and done.

Boom popcorn time!

Grace - Not over yet

Remember this old 90s classic?

Ow wow..this just such an unfolding moment when this track is playing. Yasmin looks like trash and everything seems to go to shit on the boat here. In the background your hear the track incoming and going towards the climax and boommm... there it is. The chorus where the boat drifts away and the music fades out.

I can't write more about this scene otherwise that it was a turning point and this music fitted it perfectly.

Getting enthusiastic? As you should! Already this TV show would deserve a post on its own but the combo of this is even better. There aren't so many show which have the perfect soundtrack and to even keep it on point for 3 seasons?

I'd love to meet the maker!


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Thx for the find!! Block horse racing?? Fill me in?


Nothing like an addictive TV series, Industry sounds like one of those! Unfortunately I don't have HBO, only Netflix!
