Can music help with concentration, focus, meditation, etc ?
Assalamu alaikum,
I send good wishes to all the readers here.
I see alot of videos on internet ( Youtube ) that says xyz will help you mediate, xyz will help you concentrate, etc. I have not tried anything like this in my life and so i wanted to ask the readers what do they think about this.
Music is loved by everyone but the strength of it upto the extent i have heard about or what i have wrote about above is still questionable in my opinion.
For example a video that i am sharing below is said to help focus on studying, concentration, work, etc.
I was listening to it and to be honest i liked it but i don't think it is something that will help in what they claim. I think i can hear it for a better sleep.
I can agree on meditating by closing eyes and focusing on the sound that is being played in the background. But how will it help in studies ?
I think it can help in study indirectly but not directly. As i said it can help you meditate so via mediatating we can take our mind in a more satisfactory position that it will help us in other things mentioned.
When our mind is free from all the negative stuff we can concentrate on studies. And by meditating we can achieve this, we can forget the negativity in our life and focus on positive things.
I don't know i might be wrong so that is why i am asking the readers. What are your thoughts ? How do you think these sound help us, do you agree with me or you have some other research of your own.
I also think this music or sound will help someone go to sleep very easily, and also some might find a way to peace using these methods.
Again as i said above, all these are just my opinion and i would like to know what everyone else think about the same.
That's all for this blog, thank you for reading till the end.