A world without music : A quiet and empty place


I just can’t imagine a world without music. It would be incredibly quiet and empty, a place where the essence of life feels muted and emotions become harder to express.

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Without music, we might end up accepting all the unpleasant sounds around us as substitutes, which is a tough thought.

The absence of music would leave a significant void in our lives, no melodies to resonate with, no beats to dance to, and no songs to offer us comfort and inspiration. It would just be like living in a world where we are not able to express ourselves or how we really feel.

The silence would really be overwhelming, and the oustanding impact that music has and the value that it adds to our lives would be completely gone and taken away.

In such a world, people might turn to nature sounds to fill the gap. Raindrops falling on a roof or the sound of waves from the sea and ocean could become our new form of music. There is no doubt that this natural sounds are beautiful in their own right,but they can’t fully replace the deep emotions that music evokes in we humams. The rhythm and melodies of music touches us in ways that simple natural sounds might never be able to.

If there is no music in the world anymore , poetry might be able to fill that gap for me. Poetry reaches into our hearts and minds in a way that is similar to music. It is also a form of art justt like music

It allows people to express feelings, thoughts, and experiences through words . This is just more like how musicians bring about different lyrics that resonate deeply with their listeners by sharing their personal stories, experiences and their emotions.

I had a memorable experience watching a talent show on Youtube, where a lady in Nigeria here used poetry to honor God and express his greatness. Her performance was so moving that I couldn’t stop watching it over and over . The way she used her words to convey emotions and speak about God struck a chord within me. It wasn’t just the content of her poetry that was impactful, but the way she delivered it, her voice, her choice of words, and the rhythm she created, really resonated with me on a deep level. This experience made me fall in love with poetry instantly and it also showed me how it can be as expressive, emotional, and touching as music.

In a world without music, poetry could become a way for us to express and connect with our emotions. It can offer us a new way to explore and share our feelings, by providing comfort and understanding that is similar to music. It could help us find meaning and also connect with others on a different level and understand our own experiences. While losing music would be a great loss for me and the world in general, i still feel poetry could step in to fill that void.

Thanks for reading.

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It is good to note that poetry can replace music for you.
Thanks for sharing this with us.
Awesome entry 👏
