Hallelujah - Leonard Cohen By Juva (Cover) [Eng/Spa] || HiveOpenMic week #175

▶️ [Watch on 3Speak](https://3speak.tv/watch?v=juva/pijyqjnk)
*Hello beautiful people of @HiveOpenMic happy Sunday to all of you and I hope you are feeling great. Welcome once again to my channel where I will be showing you my participation to the contest of the week #175 "Reflect your spirituality" with a very popular song titled "Hallelujah" by Leonard Cohen-[1984](
which was later interpreted by Jeff Buckley in [1994](https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&gl=CO&hl=es-419&context=C3cd2755ADOEgsToPDskK4CTlNl2xJd5vEEbE3KFyi&v=cQG7dZUnNLs)*
***Que tal gente bonita de @HiveOpenMic feliz Domingo para todos y espero que se encuentren muy bien. Bienvenidos una vez a mi canal en donde les estaré mostrando mi participación al concurso de la semana #175 "Refleja tu espiritualidad" con un tema bastante popular titulado "Hallelujah" De Leonard Cohen-[1984](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YrLk4vdY28Q).
Y que mas tarde fue interpretado por Jeff Buckley en [1994](https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&gl=CO&hl=es-419&context=C3cd2755ADOEgsToPDskK4CTlNl2xJd5vEEbE3KFyi&v=cQG7dZUnNLs).***

*I chose the version of [Il Divo](

as far as lyrics are concerned, since from my perspective it generalizes an omnipresent, merciful, loving and protective God who lives in us, apart from the reference to a religious doctrine based on the Holy Bible, (I have nothing against the versions of monotheistic churches, only that everyone interprets the Bible in a different way and I do not intend to follow rules based on misinterpretations of this).*
***Yo elegí la versión de [Il Divo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VzB8xC_CwH8) en cuanto a letra se refiere, ya que desde mi perspectiva generaliza a un Dios Omnipresente, misericordioso, amoroso y protector que vive en nosotros apartando la referencia de una doctrina religiosa basada en la Santa Biblia, (No tengo nada en contra con las versiones de iglesias monoteístas, solo que cada quien interpreta la Biblia de una manera distinta y no pretendo seguir reglas basadas en malas interpretaciones de esta.)***

*With no intention of offending or going deep into the religious topic I would like to tell you that I finally have the official track for my new song "Cascada", remember when I told you that I didn't have one of my own? Well, @FiveAt who is a beginner as a beatmaker but at least understands Fl-Studio, created what would be the instrumental.
So I plan to upload it very soon and obviously I'll be sharing it with you here.
And this has been all my participation, I thank you very much for taking the time to look at my publication and see you next time:)*
***Sin intención de ofender ni de profundizar en el tema religioso quisiera comentarles que ya por fin tengo la pista oficial para mi nuevo tema "Cascada", ¿Recuerdan cuando les comente que no tenia una propia? Bueno, @FiveAt quien es principiante como beatmaker pero al menos entiende Fl-Studio, creo lo que seria el instrumental.
Por lo que pienso subirlo muy prontito y obviamente estaré compartiéndolo con ustedes por acá.
Y esta ha sido toda mi participación, les agradezco muchísimo que se hayan tomado el tiempo de mirar mi publicación y nos vemos en una próxima ocasión:)***

#### *Editing data:*
#### *Banner, Cover image and Separators created in [Canva.](https://www.canva.com/es_419/)*
#### *Text translated from [DeepL.](https://www.deepl.com/translator)*
#### *Video taken and edited from Huawei P20 Lite.*

▶️ [3Speak](

Beautiful presentation you've got here
Thank you, that's very kind of you
You're welcome
excelente voz, bendiciones
te lo agradezco mucho amigo @kococuatro, Bendiciones para ti tambien:)