A Gracious Self, Yearning To Shine Through in Time

[Pure Fractal Art Project created by me in Canva...1]

On Receiving

Yearning for calm. I can't explain it. But complete withdrawal from societal expectations oftentimes grabs and thrusts me into solitude. I trudge along for months or even years at a time, knowing I need to withdraw, but reluctant to the urge. I crave. I resist. Until, I give in.

For in solitude I revamp my attitude; my tolerance; my goals; and my commitment to do good.

I see so much of the world's people belittling one another and perpetrating hateful acts against individuals for no legitimate reasons. My feelings are that these acts are growing immensely in intensity and frequency. This is true especially when the acts involve leveling insults, whether verbal or written, against those for their success in life, talents, and ability to sympathize and empathize with others.

As calamity escalates in the world, people are pitted against each other as adversaries, regardless of whether they are directly involved in a conflict. Lines are drawn, and positions are taken as posturing goads us to display our power.

Personal relationships are sometimes eroded. Friendships are dissolved and labeled as "irreparably damaged". Individuals no longer attempt to reconcile and establish common ground with which to exist.

My thoughts turn to social media and how individuals who regard themselves as "influencers" attempted to condition our minds. Often begrudging a fellow human being his or her accomplishments, as well as the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of their dream is pointless.

The manufacturing and retail industries are providing society less of a value in their products, charging more, and demanding we accept what they are lavishing upon us with no explanation.

When individuals stop supporting each other, society as a whole fails.

I believe in supporting others who goals may be different from mine and don't infringe upon or go against my morals and ethics. My one remembrance is that all humans are held together by that slender thread with only a few degrees of separation between us.

That's not enough to cry foul. Instead, we should bond together in unity and of like mind and purpose.

[Pure Fractal Art Project created by me in Canva...2]


On Giving

A couple months ago, a young lady I met on the blockchain responded to one of my posts. In her comment, she inquired about a micro finance charity I'd mentioned a few years ago and desired the name of the organization, KIVA.

When I think of that organization primarily assisting impoverished women in third world countries, I think of the clutter and waste not only I participate in, but millions of others, as we generously discard, it sickens me. So, I decided to declutter my life and allow others who are less fortunate to enjoy the items that I no longer feel are necessary to life a minimalist lifestyle.

The saying "one person's trash is another person's treasure rings true. Life is subjective in certain aspects. The common norms of a society excepted, what's important to one person is off the radar of another. That doesn't mean the matter isn't important. The principle rules that if the item doesn't go against society's rules and laws, then the item may be supported if the effect doesn't hamper or hurt another person.

What we give, we shall receive tenfold. The abundance we won't be able to contain over time. That is my belief and my faith. So we should pour it out without regard whether it will be returned to us.

I'm reminded of the saying:

"Giving material goods is one form of generosity, but one can extend an attitude of generosity into all one's behavior. Being kind, attentive, and honest in dealing with others, offering praise where it is due, giving comfort and advice where they are needed, and simply sharing one's time with someone - all these are forms of generosity, and they do not require any particular level of material wealth."

Dalai Lama 3

[Pure Fractal Art Project created by me in Canva1]


In Time

A common saying that "time waits on no one" is true. When we're young, we feel as though time is immaterial. It has no meaning. As we age and hopefully grow wiser, we see that time is a precious commodity. Along with good health, it's to be cherished.

The more time we spend being unhappy or dwelling on unpleasantness in our lives is a waste. The time and energy we spend is a misuse our time and efforts is time wasted not doing good or being a good steward in society.

So I no longer waste my mine yearning for calm. I've created it by concentrating on ways to find peace within myself while at the same time attempting to do good to others who may be seeking a calmness in their lives.

I think of the song below whose lyrics have impacted my way of thinking and inspired me to action for over forty years. During those times I listen to it, I seek a calm space, insert my earplugs, and allow the lyrics to filter through to my soul. They rejuvenate my spirit.

Source: "Fly Life an Eagle" from Youtube


LYRICS: "Fly Like An Eagle"

Time keeps on slippin', slippin', slippin'
Into the future
Time keeps on slippin', slippin', slippin'
Into the future

I want to fly like an eagle
To the sea
Fly like an eagle
Let my spirit carry me
I want to fly like an eagle
Till I'm free
Oh, Lord, through the revolution

Feed the babies
Who don't have enough to eat
Shoe the children
With no shoes on their feet
House the people
Livin' in the street
Oh, oh, there's a solution

I want to fly like an eagle
To the sea
Fly like an eagle
Let my spirit carry me
I want to fly like an eagle
Till I'm free
Fly through the revolution

Time keeps on slippin', slippin', slippin'
Into the future
Time keeps on slippin', slippin', slippin'
Into the future
Time keeps on slippin', slippin', slippin'
Into the future
Time keeps on slippin', slippin', slippin'
Into the future

I want to fly like an eagle
To the sea
Fly like an eagle
Let my spirit carry me
I want to fly like an eagle
Till I'm free
Fly through the revolution

Time keeps on slippin', slippin', slippin'
Into the future
Time keeps on slippin', slippin', slippin'
Into the future


All Will be Revealed

In the end, what one person thinks or feels about another or anyone else is irrelevant. If you yearn for peace and contentment in your life, then do what pleases you. If you can't get the support willingly from others, then make you own peace and do without those who wish you ill will.

I've often pondered the many questions about humans and humanity. I haven't discovered an answer yet. I may never, so I try to focus on what I do know and can find answers to.

All will be revealed in time when everything will be alright. The late Rev. Al Green, in his song below, says it best, so we'd better be prepared for the answer.

Source: "Everything's Gonna Be Alright"

LYRICS: "Everything's Gonna Be Alright"

Don't let this world mislead you
Don't you ever go astray
Trust in God's word and believe it 'cause it'll never pass away
We will see Him in his glory riding on the clouds of joy
Greeting us with open arms and peace forever more

I know that everything is gonna be all right
He's coming back
Like he said He would
Yeah yeah, it's gonna be alright
He's coming back
For the true and good

Now when the sky is darkened
There will be no moonlight
We'll know the time has finally come
And he'll change the wrong to right
So if you're always searching
Trying to find the bottom line
Just give your love and life to God
He'll give you a peace of mind

I know that everything gonna be all right
He's coming back
Like he said he would
I said yeah yeah, it's gonna be alright
He's coming back
For the true and good
Play it
Everything is gonna be all right
He's coming back
Just like he said he would
Yeah yeah, it's gonna be alright
He's coming back
For the true and good

I wanna be ready, I gotta be ready
I wanna be ready, gotta be ready
For the peace, love and happiness
He's coming back like He said he would
Get ready for peace, love and happiness
He's coming back for the true and good

We know He's the beginning and we know that He is the end
There's no one better if you really need a friend
So don't you ever worry 'cause he gave the quarantee
That he'll return to take us home and fulfill the prophecy

I know that everything is gonna be all right
He's coming back, like He said He would
Get ready for peace, love and happiness
I know He's coming back just like He said he would
Peace and love and happiness
I know He's coming back for the true and good
Everything gonna be all right
He's coming back
Like He said he would
Yeah yeah, it's gonna be alright
He's coming back
For the true and good


Thanks for taking the time to view my post. I hope you like my mixed media art project.


Good luck everyone with whatever your endeavors.



a) JustClickindiva's Footer created in Canva utilizing its free background and images used with permission from discord admins.
b) Unless otherwise noted, all photos taken by me with my (i) Samsung Galaxy 10" Tablet, (ii) Samsung Phone, & (iii) FUJI FinePix S3380 - 14 Mega Pixels Digital Camera
c) Purple Butterfly part of purchased set of Spiritual Clip Art for my Personal Use
d) All Community logos, banners, page dividers used with permission of Discord Channel admins.
e) Ladies of Hive banner used with permission of and in accordance with the admin's guidelines
f) Thumbnail Image created by me in Canva.
g) "Flames." What is Apophysis 2.09. https://flam3.com/
h) What is Stable Diffusion? StarryAI.Com. Online at: https://starryai.com/stable-diffusion

1 Pure Fractal Art Project created by me with the inclusion of a free-sourced image by A_Marble at PurePNG.

2 Pure Fractal Art Project created by me.

3 Famous sayings by the Dalai Lama. AZ Quotes. Online at: https://www.azquotes.com/author/8418-Dalai_Lama/tag/giving



Personal friendships now mostly turn out to what we never expected. It’s sad that he world is going that direction
Well, thanks for sharing those jams
They sound nice!


That is true @rafzat. Individuals that you once thought were your friends may turn on you. You can't allow that to happen. Instead you must protect yourself from external elements that give you stress.

I appreciate your visit and engagement. Thanks for the support. Take care.


I love the blending of music, story, and art here!


I'm pleased you liked the various elements that inspired me. The fractal project inspired me. Thanks for your visit and support. I appreciate it. Take care.



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Didn't recognize the first tune do know the second, both befitting of what you wrote, times have changed.

This world is not the one we grew up in, good to extend a hand of friendship or assistance wherever one goes, it makes us one with everything around us.



Yes, it does @joanstewart make up better to uplift others instead of tearing them down. You and I are from the "old school", so we know better because the world has changed and moved on from our learning from our parents and others who sought to instill the good in us.

Thanks so much for your visit and kind words. I appreciate it, the support and encouragement. Take care.

