Rainbow regime Germany has once again taken the deserved last place at the Eurovision Song Contest!π³οΈβππ©
On the German channel ZDF, the following questions were raised: "Don't the other European countries like Germany at all? Why have we become the last again?" Celebrities and journalists of the mainstream in the country think that such a thing can not be true, while this view of their own country clearly contradicts the opinion of foreign countries about Germany!
Of course other countries see the madness that has been going on with the Germans for some time and ask, "What are you actually doing to your country, why are you just destroying everything you can, society, your economy and even your own culture?" At the same time, of course, politics & media of this country see all this quite differently, the same goes for the country's own sheeple, who proficiently help in their own abolition and are simply not used to questioning anything that is presented as right by the authorities, no matter how wrong it may be. Unfortunately, even in the ZDF report on the outcome of the "Eurovision Song Contest", as was to be expected, there is only astonishment at the result, while there is no trace of self-criticism.
EXCERPT: "The ESC is once again a flop for Germany. The Hamburg rock band "Lord of the Lost" gets only three points from the professional juries - two from Iceland, one from the Czech Republic. From the audience there are 15 points. Germany gets six from the callers from Austria, five from Finland and four from Switzerland. With a total of 18 points, Germany finishes last. The second to last, the United Kingdom, gets 24 points. In total, Germany has been last four times and second last three times in the last participations."
QUESTION: How can you explain this bad result of a self-destructing country, whose "representatives" prefer to hoist the rainbow flag, while all other participants proudly present the national flag of their country?
If you still wonder why Germany is in such a bad position right now, you only have to take a look at the band that was supposed to seriously represent this country at the contest. Music tastes may be different, but generally you notice in view of the "representation of the country" on all levels, be it by music bands, politicians, actors or politicians etc., how they look, how they speak and how they behave, that something is going on here that urgently has to be stopped!
As far as especially these occult creatures with their satanic texts are concerned, which make the hairs on the back of your neck stand up when you read them, they (unfortunately) represent the entire German country, and also at this point one must just say: "Is this really the representative of this country with its values, with its views, with the current agenda that is being carried out here"? Yes, unfortunately, exactly this is the case at present and if one sees then how it looks worldwide, one must state fortunately that this catastrophe is not a worldwide condition, but a problem limited for the most part to the western world, very particularly however to Germany!
By the way, the same applies not only to the madness of the rainbow faction and their new version of a modern "Sodom & Gomorrah", but also to the crazy energy policy, the self-destructive domestic policy, the economic self-destruction, and so on. Of course, it must be said at this point that it is a worldwide agenda that has been carried out for decades and completely affects the Western world in particular, but in Germany these trends always take on particularly bizarre forms, while this insanity can of course also be found in weakened form in other countries of the (self-proclaimed) "community of values".
So you see, neither for me, nor for many other citizens of this country the last ESC place is a real surprise, much rather I am personally very disappointed by Iceland and the Czech Republic that they have given out for this satanic garbage at all few points, which they should have kept better!
EXCERPT: "To be honest: Yes, the song "Blood and glitter" lacks a good "hook." Remember the chorus? "Blood and glitter, sweet and bitter, we're so happy we could die," that's not catchy enough for the ESC." Yet Lord of the Lost are a good band. They are already number 1 in the German album charts. But the ESC is a genre of its own. Successful songs have to be written for the big stage, have a good chorus and a special song idea. Example: "Calm after the storm" by the Common Linnets. With this beautiful and immaculately composed pop song, the Netherlands came in second in 2014.
Doesn't anyone in Europe like us? No. That's not the reason. Germany's standing in the world, for example, actually has nothing to do with Lord of the Lost coming in last."
CONCLUSION: As I said, there is no insight whatsoever that self-destruction, ingratiation, cultural destruction, madness and more and more extreme sexual perversions could rather scare off other countries instead of attracting them, instead they continue as before and even add one more, as if the society of the former "poets and thinkers" was not already sick enough.
Just as in the past one could be proud to be German, to manufacture German products according to the quality standards for which the country was once famous, to work in German companies, and so on, nowadays, unfortunately, it looks like many people abroad are quite rightly laughing at the remnants of what has become of the long ago Christian Occident. What else could a society expect whose elected representatives make a policy against their own people? It is much more important for the population to make the first step in the elimination of the problem and to admit that there is a big problem here!
One could give thousands of examples that show what kind of state this clown republic is in at the moment and how it could come so far, and although this and previous exits of the music competition known in Europe cannot be beaten in clarity, the national media prefer to write: "What is Germany doing wrong? The answer to this would be a clear "EVERYTHING!" if the people at the levers of political and media power could be honest with themselves for once, but instead, as expected, the blame is shifted to a "weak preliminary round."
A billionaire sheikh once said in an interview that bad times - because it is necessary for survival - produce strong men, these strong men in turn produce good times, in which people become comfortable and careless, which leads to weak men, who in turn produce bad times again (keyword: cycle) and that he assumed his great-grandchildren will be poor again. If one refers this to all people at all times, the reason for the degeneration of the western world, above all Germany, could be found here, in which apparently some people incapable of resistance push an agenda, which lets the whole culture degenerate and for which occult bands like "Lord of the Lost" are only one of many symptoms.
CONCLUSION: See the reality and not the media parallel world, which should be sold to you as reality. Most people in the Western rainbow regime can't even speak their mind publicly on such topics anymore for fear of state repression (social ostracism, loss of job, child deprivation, defamation, false accusations, etc.)! No one wants to be destroyed by the state and over decades more and more people have become accustomed to their passive and defenseless existence, which gives this unjust state its power.
Fortunately, there are also people who can be stopped by nothing and nobody from offering resistance in such a situation, but who feels addressed, should do that also and think over his previous behavior, because otherwise you will always regret in your life that you have said nothing and that you have never stood up for your point of view! Always remember that classical values and genuine morals are by no means old school, now supposedly belong to the past and must give way to the new pseudo-normality of this NWO forever, even if some mentally ill people would like to have it that way and would still like to maintain such values reversed into the opposite for eternity.
At least Germany can serve as a cautionary tale to other Western countries that, despite gradations and somewhat less radical approaches, are nevertheless marching in the same direction (keyword: gender mania, early sexualization of children, gender reassignment, the official existence of more than 60 genders, etc.), because no nation wants to end up like this, and the Eurovision Song Contest is just one of many sad events that have shown how deeply former advanced civilizations can descend and degenerate.
As for these "creatures" who pretended to represent the German people, I can only wish these "lost souls" to get to their "lord" as quickly as possible after their deserved defeat, for whose homeland they seem to have a strong longing.
Let's see it as a positive sign of hope that even Western countries are deterred by the extreme scale of these satanic developments and realize that common sense could not be completely eradicated by the rainbow regime.
If a decadent affluent society can degenerate in such a way, it may take an economic crash and hard times for a people to come to their senses again, and from that point of view one can even gain something positive from some negative-seeming developments in the end.