The History behind my Birth//The Miracle Child.

(When I was still in mommy's hand)

I was going through some of my mom’s pictures recently, I then came across a picture of mine when I was a year old. Curiosity prompted me to ask her questions like, What happen during my child birth? Did she had any complications when giving birth to me? My mom smiled and say me “son!! You wouldn’t have been alive today if not for the mercies of God”. Come seat with me let me tell you a little about your birth.


She started by saying what killed your sister would have killed you to, but God did save you. That is why I called you a miracle child. Not many who passed through what you passed during conception and birth survived. Your existence is a testimony.
I was amazed by her words and decided to press forward to please narrate what happen during my conception and birth.

It happens that two months after my conception, my mom had a complication in her womb that almost wanted to lead to miscarriage. The doctors told her that there’s a problem in her uterus (womb), she couldn’t remember what they called it but that her womb may not be able to hold a Festus (baby) due to some complications her had during her first pregnancy.
She was placed on medications and according to what one of the doctors said secretly, she should expect a miscarriage. But my mom was a strong woman who believe in her faith so much, so she prayed and commit everything in God’s hands.

At the fifth month of her pregnancy, the complication started again. This time around, the doctors told her that the position of the baby (me) in the womb was not normal. She had to remain the hospital for months. She will be on a watched waiting, undergoing treatments, exercises and positioning to see if the body position with returned to its normal position. Luckily the baby (I) returned to normal positioning of the body.

She said at the seventh month of the pregnancy, I was eager to come out and see the world. I could no longer remain in the womb for nine months. There was an abnormality in her uterus that will lead to she giving birth at the seventh month.
She started feeling the contraction and friction of birth pain and was rushed to the labour room on 27th of February in the morning precisely but could not deliver immediately because her pelvis (which play a vital role in child delivery) was I don’t know, let's say small and that was affecting the passage for my delivery. She was in the labour room through that day until the next day at about 4 to 4:30am, she finally delivered me. My birth was seven month not nine months as they called it pre-matured baby. When she looked at me, she cried but it wasn’t tears of pain but of joy reflecting back of what they told her and what she went through. She said some part of my body were still developing even my tiny fingers were so small and they had to placed me in an incubator to complete my formation. The only time she was permitted to see me was when I need feeding otherwise no one is permitted to see or touch me. Even if I’m crying, the nurses will not allow her or anyone to attend to me. There were times she will almost wanted to quarrel with the nurses because they won’t grant her access to see me. But they are just doing their job for I’m not supposed to be tempered with as other babies because I’m still in my transformation period.


After two months in the incubator, the doctors were amazed at my transformation and said to my mom that this is the very first time they have handle such case in their hospital. They took a picture of me and placed it at the entrance of the hospital with some write there but she can remember what was written. She spend four months in the hospital and was finally discharge.

That was not all, even after they were discharged from the hospital, she will have to make a traditional heat dispenser at home. She will close the room, rap me with white tower, light up a charcoal grill and placed it close to me to provide a certain temperature in the room because the doctor told her my body is still not that strong. No one is allowed to come in or out of that room except my mom and sometimes my dad until after about a month before people can see me and hold me. That was how I survived.

Image Source
(Charcoal Grill)

My coming into the house brought blessing to the family. A week after I was born, my dad got promoted in his working place and was also taking for special duties.

Honestly, may God bless our mother’s. like you won’t know the pain they went through to give birth to us, holding us for nine months. They have the will power not to bring you into this world but they chose to bring you. The selfless love of a mother is something we need to cherish so much. And I hope one day, we will put a smile on that beautiful faces of our mother.
Much love!!!



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Your existence is a proof of faith, all thanks to your mother with the strong heart and motherly love towards you..
Thank goodness everything is fine and life is going on smoothly now..


Honestly, thank God for everything and for my existence and for the loving mother he gave me.
