Hive Music Festival week 123 round 3 / Santana - Europa ( Guitar cover)
Hello to all my dear Music Zone friends. New week new video, one more challenge to learn in this wonderful community. For week number 123 I wanted to share with all of you a cover on the electric guitar of one of my favorite guitarists of all time, the Mexican artist Carlos Santana. For me, this guitarist influenced a lot since I was very little when I started playing the guitar. The first time I heard the song Europa I thought it was great and it had a particular sound that you immediately knew was Santana. Thanks to him I went from the acoustic guitar to the electric guitar and I told my mother that I wanted an electric guitar so I could play Santana's songs. One of the first songs I wanted to learn was "Samba pa ti" and "Europa". I remember that I spent a lot of time learning the techniques that Santana used the most, such as bendigs. I still have that first electric guitar and I must also say that thanks to my father, who is also a big fan of Carlos Santana, I started listening to him and learning many of his songs.The song Europa is an instrumental song and was the first single from his 1976 album “Amigos”, which is characterized by being an almost entirely instrumental album, and which has very powerful electric guitars with strong Latin roots. You can say that it also has some flamenco roots in some of the songs. Europa is the only Santana composition that has a lot of blues, with touches of percussion, bass and another rhythm guitar that accompany the main phrasing and a very melodic melody, a lot of bending and a lot of sustain that tell the story that many people say was inspired by the bad trip that a friend of Santana had with drug addiction in 1967. It is good to note that he composed this song with the help of one of the members of his band Tom Coster.
▶️ 3Speak
Gracias por compartir tu presentación en el Hive Music Festival. Tu publicación fue revisada por nosotros y recibió un voto positivo de la comunidad de Music Zone en Hive. ¡Únete a nosotros en nuestro servidor Discord!
P.D Por favor, cuando hagas covers, incluye un enlace del video de compositor o interprete principal de la canción, con el fin de reconocer la autoria del artista.
Muchísimas gracias! Ya hice la corrección estaré atento para la próxima.
Conocí a este artista a través de mi esposo que aprecia mucho su música, escucharte ha Sido encantador porque definitivamente tienes una agilidad increíble para tocar tu instrumento
Muchísimas gracias! por tu apoyo 🤗
excelente interpretacion mi hermano quedo genial de mashhhh. un temazo buena destreza total en esa super guitarra saludos y exitos
Muchísimas gracias!! mano por todo el apoyo. Un brazo