Vibes Web 3 Music Competition Week 16 || An Original of "The Beautiful Amaka" [Eng/Esp]


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Hello friends of the Vibes web 3 Music Community, my name is @jesus-son and I welcome you to my blog on this occasion of the week 16 of the community's weekly event. It is a pleasure for me to share with you an original composition of mine which the theme of the week made me recall and do a remix of it here. I hope that you would enjoy with me.
The song I present is titled The beautiful Amaka. It is a song that tells of a tragic event of two brothers who are twin fighting each other over a lady called Amaka and in the process they killed their mother

Many a time, I wonder why a lady should be the reason for family members fighting each other and keeping grudges for each other. It is just so ironic that after all the years of living together and sharing things in common then a stranger would come in to scatter all the love.

I have decided that in my life, no amount of love for a lady would make me be an enemy to my family. In fact, my family takes precedence over any other person but of course in the course of good and not evil.

In presenting this song, I wish that persons may draw lessons from the situation I related here and always do things right. Thanks for your time and support.


See this these two brother
they don cause murder
Because of the Beautiful Amaka
Amaka, the Beautiful Amaka
See these two brothers
They don cause murder
Because of the Beautiful Amaka
Amaka, the Beautiful Amaka.

Amaka... the beautiful Amaka
Amaka, the beautiful Amaka
Amaka... the beautiful Amaka
Amaka, the beautiful Amaka

Rap section..
Taiye met this girl at the bar last night
Her name is Amaka, Amaka is so pretty
Taiye walked up to her
And said baby I love you
Could you be my girl
I swear I will treat so right
He gave her an IPhone and Amaka gave in
Meanwhile Kehinde and Amaka has been dating for some time
And things seems to be fine with them
No wahala (problem)
Until Taiye came into the picture
And changed the whole story
Now Amaka is his, Kehinde is heart broken
Kehinde went into fighting
With his brother Taiye
They fought and fought
Untill their mother came in
She tried to intervain
Oh, they hit her
Nd she fell down dead on the ground
And died
Oh mother, they cried, oh mother
Oh mother they cried Oh mother
Oh mother they cried Oh mother
These two brothers, they have caused murder
Because of the Beautiful Amaka....

Amaka... the beautiful Amaka
Amaka, the beautiful Amaka
Amaka... the beautiful Amaka
Amaka, the beautiful Amaka

See this these two brother
they don cause murder
Because of the Beautiful Amaka
Amaka, the Beautiful Amaka
See these two brothers
They don cause murder
Because of the Beautiful Amaka
Amaka, the Beautiful Amaka.

Amaka... the beautiful Amaka
Amaka, the beautiful Amaka
Amaka... the beautiful Amaka
Amaka, the beautiful Amaka


Ciao amici della Vibes web 3 Music Community, mi chiamo @jesus-son e vi do il benvenuto sul mio blog in questa occasione della settimana 16 dell'evento settimanale della community. È un piacere per me condividere con voi una mia composizione originale che il tema della settimana mi ha fatto ricordare e farne qui un remix. Spero che ti divertirai con me.


La canzone che vi presento si intitola The beautiful Amaka. È una canzone che racconta il tragico evento di due fratelli gemelli che combattono tra loro per una donna chiamata Amaka e nel processo uccidono la loro madre.

Molte volte mi chiedo perché una donna dovrebbe essere la ragione per cui i membri della famiglia litigano tra loro e nutrono rancore l'uno per l'altro. È così ironico che dopo tutti gli anni di convivenza e di condivisione di cose in comune, poi uno sconosciuto arrivi a disperdere tutto l'amore.

Ho deciso che nella mia vita, nessuna quantità di amore per una donna mi avrebbe reso un nemico per la mia famiglia. Infatti la mia famiglia ha la precedenza su qualsiasi altra persona ma ovviamente nel bene e non nel male.

Nel presentare questa canzone, auguro che le persone possano trarre lezioni dalla situazione che ho raccontato qui e fare sempre le cose bene. Grazie per il tuo tempo e sostegno

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This makes me remember one song you sang in Afritunes one time like that....I can't remember the name now hehe
But this was good... 🙂👍


That should be d song about Uche my love, hehe

Tanchuu for coming around dear


Wao dear nice tragic song.
You sang very well dear.
You explained well in the description.


Absolutely incredible man, your vocals are amazing. Love the natural reverb :) brilliant!:)
