Why I would chose music as a niche

Reading this question now makes me remember the period when I was still in the newbies initiative program. During that program, I had the opportunity to explore different niches and find the one I felt passionate about.

Even as I got to know more about Hive, I heard some people talk about having a niche on the hive blockchain. Their goal was to make us the newbies at that time, understand the benefit of having a niche.


Photo by Kindel Media from Pexels

Here is a brief definition of the word niche for those who are wondering what it means A niche is a specialized area that a person or organization focuses on. It is important to identify a niche when using the Hive blockchain, as it will help you target and reach a specific audience with your content. Having a niche also helps you to build a strong reputation in the Hive community and become an expert in your chosen field.

On the Hive blockchain, if I had to pick one niche, I would choose the music niche, as I know I will never run out of ideas. Music is a universal language, and I know I can create content that will be well-received by the Hive community.

Additionally, I can learn from other music content creators and create something unique. Also, I can use my music content to connect with other blockchain users and create meaningful relationships with them. Music can be a powerful tool to build an audience and engage with them on a deeper level. I am certain that we all know that.

I love singing and I know I can always publish a video of myself singing in the Afritunes community or Hive Open Mic. For instance, I can post cover versions of songs and get feedback from other members of the Hive community. I can also collaborate with other Hive members who are interested in music. Lastly, I can create and share music playlists of my favourite songs.

Speaking of collaborating with the musicians on the Hive Blockchain, I think the only person I have has a duet with is Meya. I would also love to collaborate with hivers like Obaro, Ksam and some others. I'm sure we can create something amazing together.

I cannot run out of ideas when it comes to making music here on the Hive blockchain and that why I can't wait to start working on a project with them. I'm sure it's going to be a great experience for everyone involved. I hope we get started soon.

Every day, even when I am listening to a particular song, I try to come up with something unique. I'm always looking for new sounds and new ways to express music. I love to experiment and create something totally out of the ordinary. Music is an ever-evolving art form, and I like to be at the forefront of that. I'm constantly pushing boundaries and exploring new ideas.

While I haven't gotten to where I want to be yet, I am optimistic about my passion for music. I'm going to keep on learning and growing as someone who loves music, and I'm sure that my music will reach its full potential soon. I'm excited for what the future holds for my musical journey!


That is clearly you. I have heard/watched you sing and I’m awed. You put every bit of you into your craft and that is just beautiful. Well done my dear.


Lovely post, although I haven't seen most of your music videos.

I'm going to check for em now..


I agree with you on this. Music is wide, you get inspiration from a lot of things and I believe it is a fun thing to do too.

A niche is indeed important. I don’t think I have seen any of your music videos or maybe I have but I’ll check it out.

Nice post btw.

I'm excited for what the future holds for my musical journey!

I wish you the best.
