Three Tune Tuesday - Get Out the Vote Edition


Today is election day in the U.S. I planned to post this just after I got home from the polls at about 6:30 a.m. but the day has gotten away from me, and so I'm posting it at 9:00 p.m. just as I prepare to go to bed. Only one election I am deeply engaged with has been certified so far and it didn't go my way so the night isn't off to a good start - except that it sounds like voter turnout was high.

I hope everyone else in the U.S. took the time to vote today.

Original photo by author

I voted at my local fire station just as I did when I was still in my hometown. That station was in a town of about 400 people in a township of about 600 people. My dad was the fire chief and my mom was township trustee for most of my high school and college years. They both worked the polls from time to time although my mom was a regular - except in the years when she was on the ballot when she couldn't be a poll worker. My dad was also a school board member for many years as was my aunt so local political service runs in our family. I am going to hold myself accountable to start working the polls next year now that I have the career freedom to do that.

So, with election day as the definite theme, here is my "Get Out the Vote" themed Three Tune Tuesday submission for this week. Thanks as always to @ablaze for creating this fun opportunity each week to share some music. I'm really enjoying trying to come up with a theme each week that at least makes sense in my head for each submission.

Song 1: Power to the People

Okay - so it's by British artists but the message is global. Power to the people. I did what I can to use my power when I voted today.

Song 2: Born In The U.S.A.

This one simply had to be on the list. I question the actions of our elected officials and of my fellow citizens on a regular basis but I also realize the gift of simply being born in a prosperous nation that abounds with opportunities.

Fun fact - we did a version of this in choir in high school. This sort of falls apart when you try to do a choral edition of it.

Song 3: Think

I had to include Aretha Franklin in the list. Her music speaks to freedom and democracy. I love this song as an anthem for how we should all treat one another and act towards one another. Just think my friends.


Nice shouts here in relation to voting. Don't sit around bitching and moaning about anything in the political sphere if you have not bothered getting up off your ass to vote.

What a mix though, The Beatles, The Boss and Aretha!!!!!! Genius...
