Counting Money Alone: The Loneliness of Success


I'm not sure I understood why anyone would be lonely at the top when they are successful. You know I thought there was something true about Theresa Mendoza talking about being at the top and not lonely at all. She mentioned that she wasn't lonely because she had people whom she trusted and who trusted her and everything else was minute in the grand scheme of things. But when Asake released this album, I had no idea until I got to BoomPlay one of those days and I saw the title.
Counting Money Alone_ The Loneliness of Success.png
It's easy to be lonely at the top, people you use to know suddenly turn haywire, losing loyalty, trust, and every other positive thing associated with a relationship. Before you know it, the people who used to be your personal therapist, the ones you talk to about anything on your journey to wealth building suddenly become strangers because of one incident or the other.

For drug cartels, the simple way of getting rid of enemies is to pull the trigger, but in reality, pulling the trigger means serving terms in lonely cells or correctional facilities. So it's inevitable for someone to cut their losses and leave the betrayer behind.

If I remember correctly, my entire life, I have lost more people than I gained. There were some I dragged the letting go process and surely it did not end. Yes, I became alone, with no one to confide in. I can't simply see something fun, funny, or even wrong and run off to my listening ears to rant.

However, Theresa Mendoza taught me it was possible to not be lonely at the top, and she did hers by hand-picking the people she worked with and trusted. She did a fine job of picking the right ones because they had her back through thick and thin, and they were willing to sacrifice their lives for her just to keep her safe from the enemy's shackles.

Even in businesses, or your personal journey to wealth building, you will need people you can trust. People who understand how important your business is or your dream of becoming financially independent is and they would work with you to make it come true.

Today, for #ttt, initiated by @ablaze I'll be sharing, three songs that the lyrics are money-influenced starting with Lonely at the Top by Asake.

Asake - Lonely At The Top (Official Video)

Asake is quite inspiring because he is lonely at the top, with money being his sole thoughts, he is committed to doing the things that he loves, and he clearly affirms that the things he loves aren't the same as the next person but that he will keep doing his with all of his heart.

The next financial song I am sharing is Audio Money by Rudeboy. If you have Instagram then you know exactly what Audio Money looks like.

Rudeboy - Audio Money [Official Video]

Rudeboy advises every one of us to slow down and stop faking it till we make it. A lot of people pretend to be rich on social media, flaunting nice clothes, shoes, bags, pieces of jewelry, cars, etc., but some of them are mostly audio money. It's all poof and no substance. It's better to be bare about your financial standings so you can receive help than to pretend to have it all together when you obviously don't.

Now, finally, Bills, Bills, Bills By Destiny Child who through her lyrics is obviously tired of her brother spending all of her money without bringing anything to the table.

Destiny's Child - Bills, Bills, Bills

You know that entitlement people have when it comes to our money. And how most who haven't had to work a day to earn a dime in their lives wouldn't relate to how difficult it is and max out our credit cards. Yes, I think that's the mentality her brother used to max her card, finish her fuel, borrowed from her, exhaust the cell phone bills, etc.

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Cool, your write up is interesting to follow...


Well. I'm glad you love it. Thank you.
