Three Tune Tuesday - W122 - Keepin It Real


W122 - Keepin It Real!

That's right.. I'm back! I know ya missed me.. didn't ya? 😂 Almost done with moving, but still gotta take care of the final sale of my house. But I am back for the most part.. that being said...

This week we are going with some rap, and some of my favorite up and coming artists.

Get those headphones on and turn it up! 🤘

First up we have: Sincerely, A Tax Payer by Samson.

This is a new tune from Samson and he's spitting some facts. This is straight fire... hope you can handle the heat! 😄 He's back after being MIA for a few. I've been following him for quite awhile and he is highly under-rated IMHO.

Bonus Track - Samson - Price Hike

More Info:

Samson - Youtube
Samson - Sincerely, A Taxpayer - Spotify

Next up we have American Dream by Burden X Mesus

Can't go wrong with some Burden tunes! This one is featuring Mesus. Both these guys are awesome. This tune says a lot, and these guys put out some good tunes and work together often.

Enjoy. 😃


Burden - Youtube
Burden - Spotify

Burden - Video: We The People


Mesus - Youtube
Mesus - Spotify

Mesus - Video: Dictator

Next up we got the final selection.. Black & White by Tom Macdonald, Adam Calhoun and Dax

This song is awesome, and it's pretty much brand new.. and to be totally honest.. Dax Steals the show on this one. He is perhaps one of my favorite rappers out there currently. All three of these guys bring the fire, and this is worth a listen.

Tom Macdonald:

Tom Macdonald - Youtube
Tom Macdonald - Spotify

Tom Macdonald - Video: The System

Adam Calhoun:

Adam Calhoun - Youtube
Adam Calhoun - Spotify

Adam Calhoun - Video: The Patriot


Dax - Youtube
Dax - Spotify

Dax - Video: The Next Rap God 2

Bonus Track! I know it's supposed to be three tunes.. but this one deserves a play, I sampled this one and it's my current ring tone. 🤣

I hope you enjoyed my TTT selections. Three Tune Tuesday is an awesome idea started by @ablaze 122 weeks ago.. good on ya m8! 😃

Image Credit

Have A Lovely Day


Hahaha. I think you've got something to say this week!

Glad to hear the move is going well! Shit like that is stressful.


LoL yeah.. living in Clown World gets tiresome and writing about it does nothing. Music is a better avenue to get a point across. Most people have the intelligence of a gold fish and never make it past the headlines, and believe what they "read in the news". 😵

Corrupt politicians lining their pockets is just another day at the office, and people seem to be okay with that.. as the country gets sold off bit by bit and inflation is getting higher by the day.

So how is your day?😂


Music is a better avenue to get a point across.

A middle finger often works, and is almost never misunderstood. 😁


Right on... I concur with your reasoning... LMAO!
