Intimacy In The Parliament Building / My solo project are MICROPARASITE with Groovy Goregrind genre

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Hello Hive brethren and music enthusiasts! Greetings and blessings. Today, I would like to share a piece of my work in the Groovy Goregrind genre. I have just created a solo project that I named MICROPARASITE. The song is titled "Intimacy in the Parliament Building". This song is an expression of disappointment and criticism towards the officials in the parliament building who are often involved in extravagant behaviors. In my country, we are all too familiar with news related to the lack of performance, corruption cases, and scandals that often involve members of the parliament. That's why I created this song.

Some of you may not be familiar with the type of music I am playing today. I will explain a bit about the Groovy goregrind music genre. It is a subgenre of extreme metal music that combines elements from grindcore, death metal, and goregrind. This music is known for its fast drum patterns, distinctive growling vocals, and lyrics that often touch on extreme themes. Groovy goregrind typically has more varied drum patterns and supports a deeper groove compared to conventional goregrind. This makes the music sound heavier while still maintaining the distinctive brutality of the genre.

In the production process of this song, I used a Bass with distortion effects in audio editing to create a rougher and heavier sound. As for the drums, I used the "RealDrum" application because I do not have drums at home. Audio recording was done using Adobe Audition CC software, while video editing was done with the desktop version of Capcut. In my opinion, both of these software tools were easy to use in producing this piece.

Regarding vocal style technique, I experimented with growling and pigsqueal voices to convey strong emotions in this song. The critical message conveyed through this vocal style is an authentic expression of disappointment towards the political situation and ethics happening in the parliament building. Unfortunately, the vocal technique I used did not meet expectations because I feel that my vocal sound is not terrifying and menacing enough. It seems like I will ask for help from a friend for the next song in filling in the vocals.

Thank you for watching and listening to this song. Greetings and blessings to all of us!

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Wow, I'm not a follower of this kind of music, but I like the idea of wanting to express yourself to say what you think about corruption. Unfortunately, it doesn't happen only in the parliament you are talking about, but in many countries, especially in Latin America. I hope your message reaches the ears of the person to whom it was dedicated.

By the way, I also think you did an excellent job with your video, congratulations.


Hi, Thank you for visiting me. Indeed, the political situation in some developing countries is so bad. There are still many greedy and selfish officials. So I voice that through songs. Greetings.
