In That Unsuspicious Way | #TTT


Well, while moving is a hectic pain, it does provide one with a hell of a lot of opportunity to crank up the stereo. I find less space to listen to music, even writing this, I need to focus, even if it's not a "serious" post. So I take my music when I don't need to write or read or think.

It Ain't Water

Ah, just as I was getting the URL for this I saw The Kills are releasing a new song tomorrow. So excited.

Alison Mosshart is the sort of musician I genuinely feel thankful to have 'caught', and to coexist with. Does that strike you sometimes? Like, I know there's memes going around saying be thankful you existed in the same time as Bowie, or Mercury, or so on. And totally.

But I had a moment, listening to this track yesterday. She's got that voice like honey. Addictive and sexy as hell, definitely in my top 3 female voices.

This song was actually recorded during the lockdowns, as one can tell from the video. I love the video of Alison just dancing alone, inside her home. She's always been so bizarre and out there.

Like, where you headed now?
Could we be the same?
I like the way you look at me in that unsuspicious way
Like there ain't nothing wrong
Nothing to be saved

Chills every time. It's like she set out to write a love lyric without anything gushy or mooshy or cringe.


Whenever I get fucked up out of my mind, I try to find true north again, and retrace my steps. Only, not the same way I came in, 'cause I know that don't work. Instead, I try to boil down to essentials, and remember who and what and why, and to what gain I am.

True north.

Speaking of north, if you don't know Fever Ray, you're in for a fucking treat. This song just came out a few days ago, and it's haunting. It feels like a hilltop ritual. Like a secret whispered into your soul. It's fucking mindblowing.

Next to You

I thought we’d be forever, but I’m changing like the weather
Up, down, got scared, so I went and cut my hair
As our words they lose their meaning
I just need to feel my feeling
And it's too late to change
I’m already on a plane
I want it faster, chasing a disaster

This girl's got a voice that, again, makes me shudder. Great vocals, but as ever, it's the lyrics that do it for me.

I want to be better, I want to be new,
But I can't be those things next to you

Predictable already, but I see it as self-addressed. I know it's a break-up thing, but in my head, it's about growing and moving through life. You can't get better or new if you hang onto the same old shit that got you feeling miserable in the first place.

Bonus: Well, This is Shit.

There I go, breaking the rules again, but this guy is just too good not to share, and really, isn't this the sort of song you need most days?

So let's all sit and just quietly get pissed,
And drunkenly attempt to over analyse all of this,
We may now be bidding the old times goodbye,
So let's not feel embarrassed to have a bloody good cry!

Alright, enough music talk. I really should go start putting shit into boxes. What's everyone doing?



Oh, we used to listen to Fever Ray a lot! Thanks for the reminder.


Well, I am not familiar with any of these artistes but the songs are so amazing
They are very nice
The intros are very cool too
