🎵 Hive Open Mic 137 - Worldwide Live Music Event
Hive Open Mic ( #openmic ) is a global community working for world peace through a love of live music. Each week is a new invitation to express and connect.
🎵 Hive Open Mic 137
November 21-26, 2022
Global harmony is our mission. World peace is our vision. Our community's weekly live music celebration reaches musicians and listeners globally on a virtual stage, upholding the classic pattern of an open mic event. At the end of each week, we enjoy a community concert, highlighting a Spotlight Artist.
Our song circle is a place of belonging for anyone who appreciates live music. Our creative space offers a chance to build real relationships worldwide between music fans and musicians of every style and any skill level. Every contributor can be proud of the fact we are co-creating a more harmonious world by sharing the joys of music.
For the 137th week of Hive Open Mic, we will explore the following theme: "Healing." This theme is chosen by our community's recent Spotlight Artist: @jaydr. Everyone is encouraged to express and connect through: Healing.
This week's Hive Open Mic theme is: “Healing.” This is a pressure-free invitation, encouraging us to explore new territory together as artists, sharing common ground as a community. Musicians always have full freedom to bring whatever music feels inspired in the moment. Here's a timeline, for anyone wishing to look back, be present, or prepare future entries.
How To Play
1. Produce - Introduce your video by saying the words, “Hive Open Mic Week 137,” including your name. Perform a song.
2. Present - Post your video in the Hive Open Mic community. Include the tag #openmic.
3. Promote - Share your link in the comments section of Sunday's open mic invitation in order to ensure your entry is heard.
4. Prosper - Build relationships by engaging with fellow music lovers through uplifting comments.
Edekia (Original) by @auelitairene
Surprise Yourself (Cover) by @ebingo
Anhelo / I Long (Original) by @naradamoon
Sura (Original) by @osomeltrozo feat. @dealtokilate
Esta Bella Noche / This Beautiful Night (Cover) by @esteliopadilla
Donde Estará Mi Primavera / Where is My Spring (Cover) by @musicandreview
Son Mis Deseos / It's My Wishes (Cóver) by @zorajr and @armandolnrs
Llegó el Momento / Time Has Come (Original) by @fernanblog
Bringer of Dawn (Original) by @cabelindsay
Show support by engaging with the musicians. The greatest gift we can give to an artist is our attention. For this reason, we humbly ask that everyone offer some friendly words. Reward musicians by offering applause as if we're in a pub, a coffee shop, or concert hall. Our comments might be the vital voice that gives a musician the wings to fly, or the gills to dive deep!
In the Hive Open Mic community, every week is an inspiring musical journey. Here, talented musicians bring their gifts to the virtual stage, reaching around the world. Listeners gain human connection on levels of heart and mind, including people of various cultures and languages. This is the harmonizing power of music.
Gratitude goes to the originators of Hive, who planted the seeds for us to grow and flourish here. Gratitude goes to the @OCD Incubation Program and other community cultivators, allowing newcomers to find their niches, and comfort zones. Gratitude goes to all the people who share their energy here, helping each other to thrive.
Bueno ya subí mi participación para esta semana, la verdad siento me quedo alta, pero le puse el mejor esfuerzo. Espero les guste.
That was so wonderful presentation.
Thank you very much for your support =)
You are welcome.
Por aquí vengo con mi cuatro y mi querido ritmo de orquídea.
I love this artwork so much.
Can't wait to see other beautiful arts and music this week.
Let's go..
Let's start the week with this new topic!
Nicely chosen theme! Have a lot of od success and fun @jaydr :)
Will you make a post ? @mipiano
I think that I already forgot how to use my audio interface haha 😂, that is how much time passed since my last piano-playing recording 😑
It will come back.
Una nueva temática con grandes sorpresas! @jaydr
La música es sanadora por naturaleza, nos hace vibrar y nos purifica de las malas energías!
Bad energy is push away by good music. Friend. That's a great way to see it.
Blessings ...
Esa es la actitud hermano, felicidades 😅👏🤘 espero que sigas cosechando éxitos
Exelente tema, para esta semana , bendiciones para todos
I will think of a good song for this week's theme. It's a nice one @jaydr.
Everyone needs healing, physically, emotionally, psychologically, and financially. In as many areas as one can think of.
Healing brings wholesomeness and a sound mind.
I hope that anyone who needs healing finds it as soon as possible.
Can t wait to see your post
Tag me pls.
Since you said I should, I will🙂
I haven't come up with anything yet, but I will before the end of the week.
Felicidades a @jaydr por este tema, ya estoy listo para esta presentación, y muy emocionado con el tema de esta semana, un abrazo para todos, Dios los bendiga!
Great to have you.
Looking forward to your post.
I will surely participate in this and look forward to other artists in the community. @jaydr this is an interesting theme for the week.
Can't wait to see yours..
It's really an Interesting topic
Yes, it is.
Hola amigos, aquí les dejo mi entrada, un abrazo !!
A very lovely theme. Here is my entry for the week: "Fix You" by Coldplay:
Hola mi gente, es un placer estar nuevamente en otra interesante semana con la tematica: "Healing", así que a continuación mi entrada para esta semana 137, saludos.
Happy and blessed week #137, I wish you all the best of success... thanks to @hiveOpenMic
Greetings, valued Hive Open Mic community, this time I come for the third time to present to you a song I wrote. I join the "Healing" theme proposed by our recent Spotlight Artist @jaydr, doctor and musician. My song is about need
of healing from someone whose health or lack thereof affects us all: Our planet. It is sick, injured, damaged, contaminated. It is Humanity that has produced its ills and Humanity has the possibility and the obligation (even if it is due to its own self-preservation instinct) to do everything possible to recover its health is in our hands.
The song that I bring to participate today is "The One That You Love", by the extremely talented Australian soft rock duo "Air Supply". The song focuses on two hearts in love wounded by the imminent separation, on the last night they spend together one begs the other to be together for just one more day, but the day goes by too fast and, when the next morning arrives, the beg it changes to "tell me that we can stay together" (Tell me we can stay, oh, please), and it is that mutual company, union, is the only thing that can heal two wounded hearts.
Saludos a todos. Esta semana tenemos una temática interesante, ya que cuando hablamos de sanación, cicatrización, salud, como somos seres integrales, no nos podemos limitar a esos conceptos dirigidos solamente a lo físico. Tenemos qué pensar en salud espiritual, mental, emocional... y hay muuuucha tela qué cortar al respecto. Estaremos compartiendo canciones de seguro interesantes. Éxito y mil bendiciones para todos.
Es un placer formar parte de este compartir, esta es mi entrada para esta semana https://peakd.com/hive-105786/@jetta.amaya/wgbtsxbv
Hi everyone
Here is my song for the week
Quite touching one.
I found it's been pinned.
But to follow the rules, I ll still share it.
Yea, I listened to it and it is a great one 👍😁
Hola mi gente bonita ¡ Feliz día del músico a todos ! Aquí les dejo mi entrada de esta semana , esperando les guste https://hive.blog/hive-105786/@dealtokilate/hive-open-mic-semana-137-cover-de-puta-madre-p-ta-mother

Buenas amigos, por acá les dejo mi presentación! Un abrazo 🤗❤
Saludos amigos, muy interesante el tema de esta semana 🤠🎉😊
Hello, community, in this week 137, united with the theme "Healing" proposed by our recent Featured Artist @jaydr, Nigerian guitarist and doctor, I bring you an original song, it is called "Thief Eyes" and it is based on the visit of a lady to a doctor because she has been up many sleepless nights due to insomnia that makes her tired, nervous and in a bad mood. The doctor examines her and is very surprised to find an irregularity in her body that surprises him a lot. Actually... Despite the surprise of the doctor who seems to be dealing with a unique case, I think it's something much more common than it seems.
Saludos amigos una vez más para esta semana les traigo mi presentación, espero les guste y visiten mi blog .
Hello this is my perform, the advanture of lifetime Coldplay
Feliz y bendecido día para todos los que han hecho en su vida u. Lugar espacio especial para el arte maravilloso de la música, espero que muchos se puedan conectar e interesar con la temática de esta semana. Un abrazo y que suene la música
Por aquí les comparto mi entrada para esta semana, que sea de buena música u éxitos para todos.
Un gusto saludar a toda la comunidad Hive Open Mic y decir presente en la semana #137 con la temática Healing, esta es mi entrada! https://ecency.com/hive-105786/@marifi/eundibvg Un fuerte abrazo!
Here is my entry, @hiveopenmic
Thank you 😊
Saludos amigos, aquí les traigo mi entrada de esta semana.
Hola querida comunidad👋😉 como están? espero se encuentren muy bien, por acá les dejo mi participación en esta nueva semana #137 de Hive Open Mic... Espero les guste mucho!
Hello dear community👋😉 how are you? I hope you are very well, here I leave my participation in this new week #137 of Hive Open Mic... I hope you like it a lot!
Greetings to all, my dear community of Hive Open Mic, in tune with the theme "Healing", proposed by @jaydr, Featured Artist of the Event, I bring you a song composed by Alex Toby (Alejandro Tovar) + , @sayury's uncle, in which he refers to a well-known character in Venezuela: the blessed Dr. José Gregorio Hernández, called "The Doctor of the Poor".
Feliz diaa! Aca les dejo mi entrada para esta semana🙆🏻♂️🙆🏻♂️
My dear Hive Open Mic community, this week 137 the theme is quite attractive: "Healing" (Healing, healing, healing) It was proposed by our recent Featured Artist @jaydr. This motivated me to prepare to participate in the song "Agradecida" that was popularized in its masculine version ("Agradecido") by José Luís Rodriguez "El Puma", who after his miraculous recovery from double lung transplant surgery in 2017 expressed through this song his gratitude to our God. His lyrics are inspiring and are a call to reflect on so many things for which we sometimes forget to express our gratitude to the Father.
Saludos a todos mis queridos colegas de HiveOpenMic en la semana número 137, aquí está mi entrada espero sea de su agrado.
🎵 Hive Open Mic 137 - Worldwide Live Music Event- Fur Elise - Beethoven (Guitar) @Guitarmcy.
I love the topic for this week. It's a special one and I'm so glad to be able to make my presentation.
Muy buenos días, hermosa familia hive open mic, esta es mi participación para la semana # 137 https://peakd.com/hive-105786/@aichel/fnqnqngn
Please have a listen to my violin/piano cover of Coldplay - Fix you.
Bendecida tarde, espero esten bien todos los compañeros. por aqui les dejo mi enlace de mi entrada esta semana, espero les guste
My entry for this week: 💛🌟
Gracias por esta oportunidad con esta temática, aquí mi aporte de la semana https://peakd.com/hive-105786/@albertocoachbl/yrxpedax
Hi lovelies, here's my entry for this week's theme
Holaaa amigas y amigos de Hive Open Mic, me da mucho gusto compartir mi presentación para esta semana #137 lo cual estará llena de muchas sorpresas y de impresionantes talentos, me encanta todo lo que hacen y es tan satisfactorio el saber que existimos personas apoyando el arte por todo el mundo dentro de una comunidad tan maravillosa como lo es Hive Open Mic.
Here is my link for the week 137
Happy everyone.
Here is my entry: https://peakd.com/hive-105786/@jessicaossom/bljgudhf
I tagged you to it already @jaydr
Hello guys
Here is my entry for the week
Llegué al nido, mamá árbol 🌳⛰️
Hello Open Mic family.
Here is my entry.
Thank you.
A really wonderful theme this week. I'm looking forward to hearing all the entries. There is so much beautiful music about healing.
So Thanks you friend @jaydr!
Is an excellent theme of this week. This is my entry ❤️
Entonces muchas gracias a @jaydr por el tema de esta semana!
Es un excelente tema, esta es mi entrada ❤️
Hola a todos! aquí les dejo mi participación para esta semana 137 ¡espero les guste!
Buenas tardes por aquí le dejo mi enlace de esta semana espero les guste
This my entry for hive open mic 137
¡Hola familia del HIVE OPEN MIC! Me complazco en presentarles un COVER de una canción que manifiesta apoyo y consuelo en momentos difíciles o de declive emocional, esa empatía y compresión que te brindan esas personas queridas en tu vida. Definitivamente alientan a sanar y a cicatrizar toda herida… sea profunda o superficial, siempre se necesita de ese trato especial y agradable para el alma.
Hello HIVE OPEN MIC family! I am pleased to present you with a COVER of a song that expresses support and comfort in difficult times or emotional decline, that empathy and understanding that those dear people in your life give you. They definitely encourage healing and healing all wounds... whether deep or superficial, that special and pleasant treatment for the soul is always needed.
Beautiful topic to help cool of stress
Please friends, check out my own video here
Thank you so much 🙏
Hello lovelies of this amazing community..
Below is my entry to this week's entry as initiated by @jaydr
I hope you enjoy 🥳🥰
Hy lovelies , here is my entry
Hello stars. Here's my entry. Thank you 😇😇
Bendiciones! Está es mi participación para esta semana
Hello everyone, here's my entry for this week ⤵️⬇️
what a beautiful theme for this week @jaydr. Too bad I was not able to make my entry. Well I will definitely enter on the next round #139-Magic.
Good luck and congratulations in advance to all the winners for this week's round.
Hello howdy this is my entry in the 137th week greetings and blessings
I love the theme it's so cool...
Below is the link to my entry;
Hey @jaydr, thank you so much for this beautiful theme, here is my entry https://ecency.com/hive-105786/@hopestylist/uutupcnx, enjoy your watch 🙈.
Esta es mi entrada para esta especial semana. Saludos y Bendiciónes
Hi everyone, this is my entry for this week's contesthttps://ecency.com/hive-105786/@ayomike/jemrrhgb
Yayyy, 8 did it..., here my presentation:
Saludos familia de Hive Open Mic aquí les dejo mi participación espero sea de su agrado un abrazo y mil bendiciones 🤗🎸🎶❤️
Hola mis muy apreciados amigos disculpen la tardanza en presentar mi trabajo pero tuve serios problemas con mi computadora y me retardo todo pero aquí estoy https://hive.blog/hive-105786/@osomeltrozo/hive-open-mic-semana-137-original-song-saname-ya-heal-me-now

Una semana mas y con ella mi entrada!! Este cover ha sido de gran alegria poder grabarlo! Seguimos creciendo así que muchas gracias por este espacio. Dios les bendiga.
Bendecido encuentro mis bellos amigos de openmic tras varias semanas sin hacer presencia entre ustedes por motivos ajenos a mi voluntad aquí me reincorporo disculpandome por lo tarde pero no quería seguir estando ausente . Aquí les presento mi humilde trabajo hecho con amor acompañada de mis vecinos https://hive.blog/hive-105786/@lasembradora/hive-open-mic-semana-137-cover-cantemos-cantemos-let-s-sing-let-s-sing

Perfecto y el tema de la semana 138 ???? 🧐😳😳😳
Hi all my friend this is my perform, happy weekend