Welcome to the dark side



picture concession from zenithworkshop

This time I'm the one who wants to start a new musical format. I hope you will appreciate it and some of you will want to contribute in the upcoming weeks.

I only got into electronic music a couple of years ago and I immediately approached its darker side, starting from the gothic and post-punk movement of the 80s. However, thanks to the playlists on Spotify I also immediately discovered more recent bands. The result was the development of a hybrid taste between a more retrosynth and typical sound of analogue bands with a more modern, driven and artificial sound of the new ones.

Sometimes these projects have a rock side, other times more techno and other times more pop. I don't want to put too many limits on you so evaluate what you consider to be dark music and don't hesitate to share it 😊

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Dark is not necessarily synonymous with sad or bad thoughts. The main function that I have found in dark music is to free oneself from filters, to drop masks, to express one's deepest self. This often happens on the dance floor of some club full of purple and blue lights, slow strobes and smoke.

This music has a great power to inspire and empathize with those people who feel out of touch with the world around them. It has a power to create bonds that extend across the globe. An invisible bond, yet so strong, such that when two people who identify as goths meet, they immediately recognize each other as kindred souls.

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Twin Tribes live - source

Maybe it's a hidden forest for you, but when the algorithm works, social networks in web2 are currently invaded by the new goth movement. It has literally become a trend and therefore we find situations purely based on aesthetics and appearance... of girls especially. Ever heard of "goth chick" memes? But even worse are those guys who pretend to be goths to hook them up 😑

The positive side however is the strong proliferation of new musical proposals from young artists who have a new and modern approach to goth and post-punk music. Some even manage to mix darkwave with trap, obtaining a new hybrid that falls under the term witch house. Just to make you understand what I'm talking about, here's a video from my online friend Witchgaze

What do you think? Amazing voice for sure. And I always love the contrast between the melodic and ethereal parts with the aggressive ones.
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Some months ago I created a playlist on Spotify also with the aim of promoting my music. I therefore wanted to focus on new bands as long as they had a more modern, if not futuristic, sound.

I invite you to give this splendid and hidden world a chance and share with someone you think could appreciate 🖤
About my work, I ususally mix punchy dance beats with aggressive basslines, some atmospheric pads and rock guitars, in a mix of genres that I decide to call dark electro rock. Actually the first song in the playlist is mine 😙

This is just a personal introduction to this music genre for episode 0 of The Dark side format. I will try to bring it every Thursday and I invite you to do the same, even on other days if you want.

Don't be afraid to tag me and we may use #darkmusic to recognize posts belonging to or related to this format.

Thanks for your attention, have a good listen and see you next Thursday 🦇

If you want to know more about me and my music, visit my website www.harbiter.com


The truth is that I didn't know this musical genre and it sounds quite interesting, it caught my attention because of the electronic style it has. I will investigate more about it, thank you very much for sharing!


You're welcome ☺️ there's really a whole world behind these black curtains


I enjoy listening to various music genres and occasionally come across the term "dark" in different types of music, ranging from electro to metal. As a fan of older music, I believe this term may have originated with bands like The Mission, Sisters of Mercy, or even Siouxie and the Banshees. However, I think the contemporary queen of dark music is definitely Chelsea Wolfe.


I've heard about her but never actually listened anything. Thanks for sharing! 😁
