Abbattersi per poi rialzarsi / To go down and then back up again


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A volte l'oscurità della notte si fa strada nella mia mente e libera i miei demoni interiori. Mi parlano, mi dicono che non sono abbastanza bravo, che tutto sommato sono inutile in questo mondo. Mi dicono che tutti i miei sforzi sono vani e che non sarò in grado di raggiungere nulla di significativo nella mia vita.

Ho avuto un periodo qualche tempo fa in cui lottavo contro questi pensieri ogni giorno. Per fortuna sono una persona in grado di riprendere il controllo della propria mente, rimettermi in sesto e ricominciare da dove mi ero fermato.

Ho imparato ad esserlo. Ho sempre cercato di analizzare i miei errori e capire come migliorarmi. Ho letto molti libri di crescita personale e analisi di come funziona la mente umana. Questo mi ha maturato, mi ha reso più consapevole dei miei comportamenti, dei miei schemi di pensiero.

Ma in quei momenti bui la musica mi ha sempre accompagnato. Spesso mi trascina ancora più giù, in un luogo dove posso sfogarmi del tutto per poi risalire. L'ultima volta che mi è successo stavo ascoltando Mr.Kitty e i suoi album Time e Ephemeral. Questa musica è stata la mia àncora, che mi ha prima trascinato a fondo, per poi essere issata di nuovo sulla nave.

E tu cosa ascolti quando ti senti abbattuto? Chi ti aiuta a risollevarti, a tornare di nuovo a respirare?

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Sometimes the dark of the night crawls into my mind and unleash my inner monsters. They tell me that I'm not capable enough, that I'm useless to this world. They tell me that all my effort doesn't matter, that I won't be able to achieve anything meaningful in my life.

I used to have a period when I was fighting against this every day. Luckily for me, I am a person who's able to regain control of my mind and get my pieces together to restart.

I learned to do that. I always tried to analyze my mistakes and understand how to improve myself. I've read many books on personal growth and analysis of how the human mind works. This has made me more mature, more aware of my behaviors and my thought patterns.

But in those dark moments, music has always been my company. It often brings me down even more. I vent and then I get back up. Last time I was listening to Mr.Kitty and his albums Time and Ephemeral. His music has been my anchor. First it dragged me down, then it brought me back up on the ship.

Who do you listen to when you're going down? Who does help you to go back to the surface and breath again?


Credo di aver sempre adottato un metodo simile al tuo! La musica aiuta a ricentrarsi


C'è però quella forza di volontà che è necessaria a tirarsi su. Perché è vero che spesso la musica aiuta a guarire, ma allo stesso tempo ci sono tanti che vi si crogiolano e restano dove sono, incastrati in sabbie mobili che lentamente continuano a trascinarli giù.

A me fortunatamente la musica fa un effetto esorcizzante


Hey, how are you?

We all have our moments of darkness. And we need to learn how to deal with it and how to overcome it or find the path to light. I see that music is important to you, I imagine that it can mark good moments that serve as an anchor so that you don't get lost in the chaos of the world.

I wish you light for all your dark moments!

InLeo | Ecency | Peakd



Hey thank you 😊
I'm quite fine. It's just life has highs and lows and sometimes lows are pretty deep. But luckily I'm always able to see the light that guides me out of them 💪🏻


Silence and breathing. We all have our way with what works for us. Best to stay and keep up when you find your way and be up. !BBH !DOOK


Sometimes deep silence is really therapeutic


Absolutely. It can be very peaceful for one. Also clearing when the time and place is right for such. !DOOK


The worst of my moods make me stay away from anything pleasurable. Everything becomes dull and dark. I haven't established a good coping mechanism. However, time a bit of self-reflection, and self-forgiveness seem to be a healing factors now, whereas before the darkness would only compound upon itself. Self growth and experience seems to help in such situations.

It's been a few years since I've listened to music very regularly, although I've gone to a few concerts in that time. The concerts bring out a slightly wilder version of myself that I like. Music and surrounding energy can be very therapeutic.

Certain art can also bring out strong emotions within me. Human creativity, in general, brings me into another world where I can find some joy.

Thanks for bringing out this wonderful topic, very worthy of discussion. If you're up for it, I'd love to see your posts in the FreeCompliments Community! The mental health aspect is something on which we focus on a lot, but we are also open to literally any other topic. We certainly don't get enough music posts, and having an actual musician like yourself there would be pretty sweet. I've been working on building engagement throughout the community since its inception, and I think you can provide fertile material to increase it.


Hey thanks gor your appreciation 😊
Yes, I could post something in the community. I'll think about it!


Hey @harbiter, I must have missed this post and what an important one it is too. I guess perhaps you're talking about self-doubt which can be a real bitch to deal with at times. Then it can spiral to the point where you're questioning your entire self worth.

Us humans are very predisposed to this type of self-doubt, so many of us have these darker thoughts despite the confident exterior we often present to the world. These kind of doubts are very normal but the key is not to let them take over.

I have this with my filmmaking and scriptwriting. My lecturer used to tell me it's the 'imposter syndrome' where all aspiring filmmakers and scriptwriters get to a stage where they have so much self doubt that they think they will never make it because they are not really a filmmaker - the classic imposter syndrome.

Make sure you kick the imposter out and stay strong and determined. The human mind is an amazing thing but sometimes we have to push away those negative thoughts. I'm pleased to see you say that you have these kind of thoughts under control, that is great to read, because that is exactly what you need to do. You seem to have it all under control and your maturity has helped you with that I dare say.

In terms of what music helps me get through the dark times it would take me days to list all the artists. But music has been my comfort and reassurance on so many occasions, it's a real friend. One artist I am currently listening to that I recently discovered is a guy called Stephen Shannon, gorgeously electronic and quite soothing sometimes, but a real mix of tunes on hit latest album, check him out.

I just listened to the song you've put in the post by Mr. Kitty, really nice with a hint of darkness, enjoyed very much the keys at the start before we get to the deeper electronics. Do you like Chromatics by any chance? I'm pretty sure if you like Mr. Kitty you'll be into Steven Shannon.

Sorry man that it's taken me too long to respond to this post, because this was a brave post. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this, there will be many people out there who this resonates with, including me.

Stay strong! Sii forte!


Thank you so much for your appreciation 😊
I didn't know about Steven Shannon, I'll definitely checking him out 👍🏻

I think it's pretty common for any artist to have this kind of self doubt, because you know, art is not objective so we don't have a real and defined comparison to say if a piece of our art is really good or not.

I dare to say that art could be "not good" and yet still emotional and significant for someone. It's really all about feeling good and satisfied while making it and not worrying if it's good or not for some theoric invisible entity called "the people", right?


Correction - I think you'll like Chromatics, but Stephen Shannon perhaps less so.
