A musician journey into web3 - #5


Hi, my Invisibles of the night!

My musical journey in the world of web3 continues and evolves day by day.
Small actions done daily are the secret to pursuing a musical career in the world of social medias, and the Hive space is no exception. After an afternoon of brainstorming, I created a list of posts that I can publish here on Peakd but also on other dApps such as Liketu, DBuzz and NFT Showroom.

A post by @steevc gave me a strong inspiration to push my presence in Hive even further but with a greater focus on my music. Because here we need more original music and less covers. I consider Hive a very fertile and satisfying ecosystem for the growth of original musical projects. I invite you to read Steve's post to gain a new awareness of the musical environment that would be appropriate to develop in Hive. It's a work that must be done together, with the combined involvement of artists and listeners.


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So, what's next?

As I said before, I have several ideas for content to publish: a mix of personal things, photos and videos, general musical talks and other specific content for my music. I'm not telling you this to brag, but I want to talk about being a content creator on Hive. I'll do that in two points that can help to give more awareness to those who want to be a creator:

    By now we know that being a creator means being constant and always present. This translates into the quantity of content to create. If your intention is to be a serious creator, you need a large quantity of content to spread out over a certain period of time. Some content is spontaneous and created when it comes to mind; others are programmable, you already have the necessary material, you just have to draft the post.
    Nobody is stopping you from posting once in a while whenever you feel it. I'm just saying that doing it professionally requires accumulating a quantity of content that makes your work sustainable in the medium-long term. But then you also need another very important thing, which is...

    For me personally, planning and scheduling my posts has the main function of reducing anxiety and avoiding myself to go mad!
    Planning goes hand in hand with self-discipline: I have to make an effort of will to dedicate specific time to creating content in advance and deciding when to publish it. It's not easy, it's like going to work for yourself without being rewarded for the effort. However, I find it very satisfying to have a defined and ready schedule. It removes a lot of "posting anxiety".
    But be careful: to maintain a low level of anxiety, you also need to adopt flexibility. Having a too rigid schedule creates a feeling of performance anxiety and could shift your attention away from more important things - like enjoying what you do - resulting in more harmful than beneficial.

I am also writing this to thank those who have followed and supported me since the beginning. I know it's not easy to decide who to support for fear of finding yet another great creator who publishes two posts and then stops. I have the advantage of having already created a lot of content before landing onto Hive and therefore I am bringing my material here in a more personalized way for this environment. I still have a lot to publish and I am always active in looking for new content - even exclusive - for Hive.
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My profile on Sound.xyz

Speaking of exclusive content, I'm finally releasing some music NFTs! For now I'm only on Sound.xyz which is a platform similar to Soundcloud where artists release their music as NFTs created in the Ethereum, Optimism or Base blockchain. So if you want to support me but prefer to use crypto, buying my NFTs on Sound.xyz is a great way.

I have released my 4 singles and those who collect them all will receive a link to download the entire album! I will also put you on the list for the future opening of my Discord channel.
Another NFT available is reserved for Rising Star players. If you are a music NFTs collector in this game, you will find my song Remember Who You Are among those available.

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More NFTs coming soon. I want to create a special song for Rising Star and soon I will publish my full album on NFT showroom for those who prefer to use Hive instead of Eth.
It is absolutely not my intention to speculate on the value of my NFTs, that's why their price will always be comparable to my music on the web2 and will always be related to the ownership of a song or access to exclusive content for those who own them.
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Music talks and music business videos

I want to start a series of videos on 3speak to talk about music in a more relaxed and free way. I am particularly interested in getting into the music business and how the music environment works nowadays, revealing the behind the scenes to those who don't know anything about it.

Unfortunately, I don't have enough free time at the moment to shoot and edit these videos, but I already have a nice list of topics to cover, which will also be very useful to emerging artists who want to better understand how to move forward in this career. So if you are interested in the topic, don't hesitate to follow me to make sure you don't miss anything.

I also invite you to take a look at my 3speak channel. I was also thinking that, in my opinion, 3speak videos should have a much longer payout period. Because just like on YouTube, we often go to watch videos that are also very old but are still entertaining and/or current and it's a shame that the author is denied that value, especially considering that making a video is often more demanding and expensive.

And then on its home page, 3speak itself suggests videos that are months -- if not years -- old. Wouldn't it be fairer that they are paid fairly even after all that time, if they keep their value?

like this one, for example?

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In the end (it doesn't even matter 🎤)

However, given the bigger commitment I want to put into Hive, I will also increase my commitment to promoting it and bring new people into this fantastic and free environment.

Finally, I want to give a shoutout to a new member of our community: @peaceandmoney is a filmmaker who is passionate about music -- especially electronic music -- and in his first posts he already brought some really interesting and valuable topics that I followed with enthusiasm. All quality that raises the level of the Hive ecosystem. Well done ✌️

Lastly, I invite you to follow me on DBuzz for faster and simpler communications regarding my work or for small reflections about the world of music and content creation.

To delve deeper into my world you can also visit my website and follow me on Instagram.

Bye and see you next time!


Lots of great ideas there. Musicians are engaging with fans on other platforms and we need that to happen on Hive.



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Man what an incredible post! You keep surprising me! You're into all sorts which is a very good thing. Your skillset is clearly very broad to say the least and you have a lot to contribute to Hive that's for sure, and not just your music.

I don't know too much about @steevec but from his blog he seems like a solid Hivian and I'm pleased he inspired you to write this post.

Yes, you're absolutely right - more original music content creators is what we need on Hive. It's nice to see people doing covers don't get me wrong, but originality is always a win-win. When you start doing your music business videos I will be very keen to watch them. While music is fundamental to my existence I am not a musician any longer myself, but I have a lot of friends who are still trying to crack the industry.

I recently did a post on the corruption of the British television industry and I dare say there is a lot of corruption in the music industry, particularly with the huge corporate giants that dominate the scene. I hope we learn more about your views on this in your videos. As with all industries there is an elite which always seems to have too much power and control.

As you know I am new here and I still have lots to learn. But you seem to have a very solid understanding of Hive and the Hive ecosystem and what's needed to be successful on here. I still have a long way to go!

I don't know too much about 3speak but I see you use it a lot. I will have to investigate that. Are you going to be using the new HiveStreams.Live service that @sircork has created? I don't know if you know but you can multi-stream so I think it's possible you can stream from 3speak and HiveStreams simultaneously. Might be something to consider dude.

Once I have been here longer and hopefully built up a bit of a following I will then consider using HiveStreams for a regular live hangout or show, not sure at this stage what the theme or format will be but I will get thinking.

Thanks man for giving me a shout out and tagging me in this post, you're a good guy.

Looking forward to seeing more of your schizzle! I'm sure you're going to make quite an impact on Hive and I'm looking forward to it.


Woah thank you so much for all the kind words 😊

I have one or two things to say about corruption and big corps in the music industry. Things that people are totally unaware of...

I need to check out that Hivestream thing, maybe could be useful to expand even more my work here. I don't have a good internet connection right now at home so it's hard for me to stream with a good quality. I have to fix that first


Your journey in web3 and music is truly inspiring! It's clear that you're dedicated not only to your craft but also to sharing your experiences with the Hive community. Your focus on original music is refreshing, and it's great to see you planning to push your presence on Hive further, inspired by Steve's post.

Your approach to content creation, balancing quantity with thoughtful scheduling, is a valuable strategy for anyone serious about making an impact. The idea of releasing music NFTs on Sound.xyz and keeping them affordable shows your commitment to both innovation and accessibility.

Your insights on 3speak and the need for a longer payout period for videos reflect a deep understanding of content creation challenges. It's great to see you supporting new members like @peaceandmoney, emphasizing the importance of community in Hive.

Keep up the fantastic work—your journey is just beginning, and it's exciting to see where it will lead🤗


Thank you, you're too kind 😊 I just do my best with the passion I've got


@steevc is the reason I devoted so much time and energy to HIVE including creating Rising Star. He supported my as an independent musician when I was looking for ways to promote my music and without that support I don't think I would have stuck around.

I am excited to hear you are thinking of creating some music just for Rising Star! If you do decide to do this please let me know in Discord as we are started to run special missions for artists where players have to own the NFT to run the mission and get exclusive stuff!

Cheers and rock on \m/
