'Slaglag' - New Original Music - A Quick Idea from Last Night I Really Like So Far...


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This is a new idea from last night

Tracks 8 and 9, Melody and Bass Lines
that happened a bit at random, but I like where things are going so far. I had started with Track 2, the drums, initially, which was a drum rack I made using samples from various packs in my library. Track 3 is an audio track, recorded from Track 2 but with a pretty heavy Thermal distortion (as well as some weird filtering). It's quite a bit quieter than the main drums, but adds some cool variation in sounds. Track 4 was the first non-percussion instrument, using a LABS electric keyboard that plays the chords below: Cmin7add9 and Dmin7add2 arpeggios, play 2x, then Gmin, F, Eb, and Db, before repeating. In the last repetition of the song, this track has its own Thermal effects, providing a sort of tremolo vibe. Track 5 was a snare roll, recorded from a LABS drum kit, which I tweaked and warped, then added a convolution reverb to, to provide just background weirdness. I wound up grouping everything so far, and recording that audio to Track 6 (it also repeats the same clip in Track 7), at which point I took little bits of that and pitched them up and down, repeating some 1/8th or 1/16th note segments for glitchy effect, as well as reversing some bits, which I think made things way more interesting. Track 8 is another instance of the 'Drift' synth that I mentioned in my previous posts; it plays the melody pictured to the right above (the top line). Track 9 is an 808 bass synth, which was the final addition. I added some sidechain compression so it lets the kicks cut through a bit. This isn't finished yet, but I think its going in a good direction, so I'll keep playing around and see what happens.

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Track 4, Keyboard Chords

Listen to Slaglag here...

Hope you enjoy!

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