'Borrowed' - New Original Music - A Quick Borrowed Chord Idea...
This isn't a super detailed thing,
at least as of yet, though I may want to expand on this. At the moment, it's just a progression that gets repeated, played on a piano and synth pad, with a drum loop and a synth bass at some points. The progression is definitely cool though, I wanted it to be interesting but parts of it sort of happened by accident, so I can't take all the credit, hehe. The chords are: EminAdd2, Cmaj13, Amin11, Abmaj7 (though the 7th is below the tonic, rather than the octave above, giving more of a cluster sound), back to Amin11, then an interesting turnaround with Dbmaj7 (same cluster idea), and finally Eb, before resolving back to Emin at the top. I don't think the current drum loop is that exciting, just added it to keep the beat, but I do quite like the bass part, so that'll probably stay. I'm gonna keep messing around here and see what I can come up with, some other parts, and make this more of a complete song idea.
Tracks 1 and 2, Chord Progression
Listen to Borrowed here...
Hope you enjoy!
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