Vibes music competition week 15. You Say cover by Godaddict


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Good morning from Nigeria 😁😁 this is week
15 of the vibes web3 music competition and I am so excited to be doing this again with you all.😊😊.
I was down in health and I'm trying to recuperate 🤦🤦, aside that I just finished a youth conference at my local church and it really tell on me such that it affected my voice, so I'll plead to be pardoned with my cracked voice🤦🤦🤦.
Before I begin i'd love to say a big thank you to @lordbutterfly, @Verbal-d and the entire vibes community for this great initiative, I'm grateful 🙏.

So for this week I will be doing a song originally done by Lauren Daigle titled You Say. So I've been meaning to sing this song for quite a long time now but I keep postponing. The song ministers so much to me especially in my down period. It reminds me of what and who really God is. His thoughts and plan towards me and humanity as a whole. Going through the lyrics you'd agree with me that the writer of this song really had me in mind when she wrote this😊(I don't know about you 😉). The lyrics are so so powerful, and I am sure you'd love it. I had to be peeping through the lyrics at some point, but I'm happy I was able to sing it through despite my cracked voice and health.
Listen to this little piece from me and be blessed.
Again this is to encourage and remind someone out there that it isn't over yet.

        ****Song Lyrics***

I keep fighting voices in my mind that say I'm not enough
Every single lie that tells me I will never measure up
Am I more than just the sum of every high and every low?
Remind me once again just who I am, because I need to know, ooh oh

You say I am loved when I can't feel a thing
You say I am strong when I think I am weak
And You say I am held when I am falling short
And when I don't belong, oh, You say I am Yours
And I believe (I), oh, I believe (I)
What You say of me (I)
I believe

The only thing that matters now is everything You think of me
In You I find my worth, in You I find my identity, ooh oh

You say I am loved when I can't feel a thing
You say I am strong when I think I am weak
And You say I am held when I am falling short
When I don't belong, oh, You say I am Yours
And I believe (I), oh, I believe (I)
What You say of me (I)
Oh, I believe

Taking all I have and now I'm layin' it at Your feet
You'll have every failure God, You'll have every victory, ooh oh



Buenos días desde Nigeria 😁😁 esta es la semana 15 del concurso de música vibes web3 y estoy muy emocionado de volver a hacer esto con todos ustedes.😊😊. Estaba mal de salud y estoy tratando de recuperarme 🤦🤦, aparte de que acabo de terminar una conferencia de jóvenes en mi iglesia local y realmente me afectó tanto que afectó mi voz, así que suplicaré que me perdonen con mi voz quebrada🤦🤦🤦. Antes de comenzar, me encantaría agradecer enormemente a @lordbutterfly, @Verbal-d y a toda la comunidad de vibes por esta gran iniciativa, estoy agradecido 🙏. Así que esta semana haré una canción originalmente hecha por Lauren Daigle titulada You Say. Así que he querido cantar esta canción desde hace bastante tiempo, pero sigo posponiéndola. La canción me ayuda mucho, especialmente en mi período de depresión. Me recuerda qué y quién es realmente Dios. Sus pensamientos y planes hacia mí y la humanidad en su conjunto. Al repasar la letra, estarías de acuerdo conmigo en que la escritora de esta canción realmente me tenía en mente cuando escribió esto😊 (no sé ustedes 😉). La letra es tan poderosa y estoy seguro de que te encantará. Tuve que estar espiando la letra en algún momento, pero estoy feliz de haber podido cantarla a pesar de mi voz quebrada y mi salud. Escuchen este pequeño fragmento mío y sean bendecidos. Nuevamente, esto es para alentar y recordarle a alguien que esto aún no ha terminado.

I am @godaaddict
A teacher, a lover of good music, a teen coach, Mobile photographer and a writer.

Love you all, kisses

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Hello, my friend, I liked it a lot and our heavenly father always has a purpose with us to move forward and overcome adversity. I send you a big hug and may peace be with you 😊🙏🏻


Thanks so much
I really appreciate 😊


Great performance and amazing singing. You've done a really good job👏👏, Greetings and I wish you get feel better. Blessings🙏


I will try to get well soon seeing that many has me in mind
Much love ❤️


You and good voice.

This is so beautiful to listen to


Thanks so much
I really appreciate


When you sing in your comfort range, it is so enjoyable, this was a good entry, and comforted with your vocals


Thanks so much sir
I really appreciate your consistency in checking up on my post
This means a whole lot


wow you sang so well. keep it up. Please I need your vote, I was nominated pls
Screenshot (93).png

I'm the first person pls vote for me. Thank to and god bless you so much


@Cenakeys, please stop spamming vibes participants entry posts with the same copy paste comments.
It doesn't look good on your part at all.

Be genuine and original with your comments.

"Wow you sang so well, keep it up!"

You might get more support if you take the time to give real feedback and genuine comments. The other participants deserve at least that much from you and others.

Let's keep our level of engagement high quality and human, and less robotic and spammy, just like how I commented on everyone's 240plus entries in week 14 with customized, personalized comments. It wasn't easy to do, but it was worth it and rewarding.

Thanks for understanding. No this doesn’t have an effect on if you win or not, but please be mindful and give real feedback. It will take you a long way further than how you are doing it now...


Please, How do I undo all that I did. I honestly had no idea that I was doing the wrong thing🥺🙏


You can edit your comments.

I noticed you also copy pasted the message to @bobbydones which means you were probably so excited that you didn’t notice that he is also on the voting list with you as your fellow competitor to win. Kind of funny though, I think you surprised him when you asked him to vote for you or?


The main thing you did wrong was spamming the same comment. (This is not about the Vote For Me part, that part is okay)

Specifically in regards to complimenting people's performances the exact same way. Which to the outsider looking, if you do that, how can anyone know if you really watched their performance or not when you say the same comment to everyone you want to vote for you?
