Hive Music Festival Week 118 Round 1 "Amor eterno" (Eternal Love) Cover By @glenda

Hola, amigos músicos, vocalistas, instrumentistas y compositores❤️❤️🎶🎼
Mi video está en youtube y no en 3speak porque no me funcionó esa página. Decía "Error en Host" ;

Deseo participar en esta primera ronda de la semana 118 de Hive Musi Festival con una canción que tiene mucho significado para mí y que, a pesar de ser una canción triste, me hace conectar con recuerdos alegres.
Se trata de la canción "Amor Eterno" que fuera interpretada magistralmente por Rocío Durcal y compuesta por Juan Gabriel, dos grandes de la música que en diversas oportunidad unieron sus talentos para sacar unas verdaderas superproducciones musicales.
Esta canción me trae demasiados recuerdos bellos de mi recordado papá Pedro Jesús Herrera Cuencas, conocido en nuestro pueblo como "Jesús" o como "El carnicero" porque poseía una carnicería.

Bueno... él no solo era carnicero, también era carnívoro, ya que le era imposible comer si no tenía en el plato de acompañante alguna buena porción de carne de res, de cerdo, de pollo o de pescado.
Los domingos llegaba a la una de la tarde, luego de cerrada la carnicería, para disfrutar en familia de ese medio día que quedaba, su único tiempo libre de la semana.
Llegaba con un buen cargamento de carne para hacer parrilla (asado o barbacoa se que le dicen en otras partes. Se trata de carne cocida directamente al fuego, no en olla ni sartén). Él era un activo melómano, así que eso era llegar y sacar su colección de cassettes con música de todos los géneros, con las melodías que nos acompañarían hasta la hora de dormir.
Era la época en que las canciones de moda eran de Sandro, Ruddy Marquez, Rafael, La Fórmula V, Leonardo Favio, Los Terrícolas, Roberto Carlos, Las Cuatro Monedas...
Cuando no estaba él en todas maneras la radio permanecía encendida todo el día ya que mamá no podía estar si no era escuchando música o cantando, mientras cocinaba, limpiaba, lavaba...fuera cual fuera el quehacer, lo acompañaba con música.
Cuando íbamos a la playa recuerdo que mi papá se llevaba un lápiz porque a veces los cassettes le jugaban una mala cinta se salía , no enrrollaba, pero él era un experto en eso de arreglar rapidamente haciendo girar las rueditas con su lápiz y desenredando pacientemente las cintas enredadas.
Cuando papá falleció no acompañé al cortejo hasta el lugar donde lo cremarí soporto las fuí a casa.
Estando sola me abrumó el silencio y mi tributo para él fue encender la radio y poner música ...con poco volumen...pero fue como renovar en ese momento ese vínculo vivencial que siempre fue la música - papá y yo.
En Venezuela el documento de identidad recibe el nombre de "cédula" y cuando alguien comenta algo de muchos años antes bromeamos con la expresión "se te cayó la cédula" que quiere decir algo así como "te descubriste...eres mayor de lo que se piensa". Esa broma la hago a mis hijos, ya que ese favoritismo por las canciones de moda en ese entonces pero que ahora son antiguas se ha ido pasando de generación en generación y mis chicos oyen con más gusto a Ilan Chester, Yordano, Franco de Vita, Los Beatles antes que a Bad Bunny u otros exponentes de la música actual.
Bromeo con ellos y les digo "Se les cayó la cédula" y así como de muchacha escuchaba con tanto agrado la música de los "años mozos" de mis padres, me gusta ver a mis hijos disfrutando de la música de mi juventud.
"Amor eterno" ha sido mi pasaporte a ese pasado grato en que la familia estaba completa porque aún no había defunciones en aquel entonces ni el éxodo que se da ahora.
Sigamos disfrutando y haciendo disfrutar la música de todos los tiempos ❤
Tú eres la tristeza de mis ojos
Que lloran en silencio por tu amor
Me miro en el espejo y veo en mi rostro
El tiempo que he sufrido por tu adiós
Obligo a que te olvide el pensamiento
Pues siempre estoy pensando en el ayer
Prefiero estar dormida que despierta
De tanto que me duele que no estés
Cómo quisiera que tú vivieras
Que tus ojitos jamás
Se hubieran cerrado nunca
Y estar mirándolos
Amor eterno
E inolvidable
Tarde o temprano
Estaré contigo
Para seguir
Yo he sufrido tanto por tu ausencia
Desde ese día, hasta hoy no soy feliz
Y aunque tengo tranquila mi conciencia
Sé que pude haber yo hecho más por ti
Oscura soledad estoy viviendo
La misma soledad de tu sepulcro
Tú eres el amor del cual yo tengo
El más triste recuerdo de Acapulco
Cómo quisiera que tú vivieras
Que tus ojitos jamás
Se hubieran cerrado nunca
Y estar mirándolos
Amor eterno
E inolvidable
Tarde o temprano
Estaré contigo
Para seguir
Amor eterno (eterno)
Eterno (eterno)
Amor eterno (eterno)
Ooh, eterno (eterno)
Let's continue enjoying and enjoying the music of all times ❤
You are the sadness of my eyes
Who cry in silence for your love
I look in the mirror and see in my face
The time I have suffered for your goodbye
I force you to forget the thought
Well I'm always thinking about yesterday
I'd rather be asleep than awake
It hurts me so much that you are not here
How I would like you to live
May your little eyes never
They would never have closed
and be looking at them
eternal love
And unforgettable
Sooner or later
I will be with you
To continue
Loving each other
I have suffered so much for your absence
From that day until today I am not happy
And although my conscience is clear
I know I could have done more for you
Dark loneliness I'm living
The same loneliness of your grave
You are the love that I have
The saddest memory of Acapulco
How I would like you to live
May your little eyes never
They would never have closed
and be looking at them
eternal love
And unforgettable
Sooner or later
I will be with you
To continue
Loving each other
Eternal love (eternal)
Eternal (eternal)
Eternal love (eternal)
Ooh, eternal (eternal)

You are the sadness of my eyes
Who cry in silence for your love
I look in the mirror and see in my face
The time I have suffered for your goodbye
I force you to forget the thought
Well I'm always thinking about yesterday
I'd rather be asleep than awake
It hurts me so much that you are not here
How I would like you to live
May your little eyes never
They would never have closed
and be looking at them
eternal love
And unforgettable
Sooner or later
I will be with you
To continue
Loving each other
I have suffered so much for your absence
From that day until today I am not happy
And although my conscience is clear
I know I could have done more for you
Dark loneliness I'm living
The same loneliness of your grave
You are the love that I have
The saddest memory of Acapulco
How I would like you to live
May your little eyes never
They would never have closed
and be looking at them
eternal love
And unforgettable
Sooner or later
I will be with you
To continue
Loving each other
Eternal love (eternal)
Eternal (eternal)
Eternal love (eternal)
Ooh, eternal (eternal)
You are the sadness of my eyes
Who cry in silence for your love
I look in the mirror and see in my face
The time I have suffered for your goodbye
I force you to forget the thought
Well I'm always thinking about yesterday
I'd rather be asleep than awake
It hurts me so much that you are not here
How I would like you to live
May your little eyes never
They would never have closed
and be looking at them
eternal love
And unforgettable
Sooner or later
I will be with you
To continue
Loving each other
I have suffered so much for your absence
From that day until today I am not happy
And although my conscience is clear
I know I could have done more for you
Dark loneliness I'm living
The same loneliness of your grave
You are the love that I have
The saddest memory of Acapulco
How I would like you to live
May your little eyes never
They would never have closed
and be looking at them
eternal love
And unforgettable
Sooner or later
I will be with you
To continue
Loving each other
Eternal love (eternal)
Eternal (eternal)
Eternal love (eternal)
Ooh, eternal (eternal)
Hello, friends musicians, vocalists, instrumentalists and composers❤️❤️🎶🎼
My video is on YouTube and not on 3speak because that page didn't work for me. It said "Error in Host":

I want to participate in this first round of week 118 of Hive Musi Festival with a song that has a lot of meaning for me and that, despite being a sad song, makes me connect with happy memories.
This is the song "Amor Eterno" that was masterfully performed by Rocío Durcal and composed by Juan Gabriel, two greats of music who on several occasions joined their talents to produce true musical super-productions.
This song brings back many beautiful memories of my remembered father Pedro Jesús Herrera, known in our town as "Jesús" or as "The Butcher" because he owned a butcher shop.
Well... he was not only a butcher, he was also a carnivore, since it was impossible for him to eat if he did not have a good portion of beef, pork, chicken or fish on the side dish.
On Sundays he arrived at one in the afternoon, after the butcher shop had closed, to enjoy the remaining half day with his family, his only free time of the week.

He arrived with a good load of meat to grill (roast or barbecue, I know what they call it in other places. This is meat cooked directly over the fire, not in a pot or pan). He was an active music lover, so that was to come and take out his collection of cassettes with music of all genres, with the melodies that would accompany us until bedtime.
It was the time when the fashionable songs were by Sandro, Ruddy Marquez, Rafael, La Formula V, Leonardo Favio...
When he wasn't at home... anyway, the radio stayed on all day long since Mom couldn't be there except listening to music or singing, while she cooked, cleaned, washed... whatever the chore, she accompanied him. with music.
When we went to the beach I remember that my dad took a pencil because sometimes the cassettes played tricks on him...the tape would come out, it wouldn't wind, but he was an expert in fixing it quickly by turning the wheels with his pencil and patiently untangling the tangled ribbons
When dad died I didn't accompany the procession to the place where he would be cremated...I can't stand goodbyes...I went home. Being alone, the silence overwhelmed me and my tribute to him was to turn on the radio and play music...with little volume...but it was like renewing in that moment that experiential bond that was always music - dad and I.
In Venezuela the identity document is called "cédula" and when someone comments on something from many years ago we joke with the expression "you dropped your cédula" which means something like "you discovered are older than you think." is thought." I make that joke to my children, since this favoritism for the songs that were fashionable at that time but that are old has been passed from generation to generation and my boys listen with more pleasure to Ilan Chester, Yordano, Franco de Vita, The Beatles before Bad Bunny or other exponents of current music.
I joke with them and tell them "They dropped their cédula ID" and just as as a girl I listened with such pleasure to the music of my parents' "younger years", I like to see my children enjoying the music of my youth.
"Eternal love" has been my passport to that pleasant past in which the family was complete because there were no deaths back then nor the exodus that occurs now.

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Being very satisfied with my natural intelligence I did not consider it necessary to use AI
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Si deseas participar en Hive Music Festival esta semana, tienes tiempo desde el 13 hasta el 18. Puedes leer la convocatoria haciendo clic acá
If you want to participate in Hive Music Festival this week, you have time from the 13th to the 18th. You can read the call by clicking here
hola amiga que bueno escuchar este clásico acá creo que es la primera vez que lo hago y me alegra mucho solo quiero darte un pequeño consejo intenta grabar con la camara fija eso ayudara para que el espectador se sienta plenamente comodo
hello friend it was good to hear that classic song i think its the first time someone performed that song here, i just wanna give u an advise, pls try to not move the camera while you recording, its gonna be better for people to enjoy your performance
i wish u all the best a hug
Hello @glenda is great to see you again this song is cool and calm i love the tempo i enjoy your entry keep growing 👍♥️
Hello, @franco10, yes, it is a song with a very beautiful melody. Thanks for your comment. Happy week.
Hola, amigo @isbelhive2, para mí es sumamente importante saber que te gustó que entonara esta canción que es tan significativa para mí. Tu consejo también es sumamente importante y lo seguiré a partir de mi próxima grabación. Muchas gracias, de nuevo.
Wonderful rendition Ma.
Hello, @joseph2014, thank you very much for your motivating comment. Happy week.
Thank you so much.
You are ever welcome.