Un año de Sebastián yatra "cover" (Gilbertomarcano)

Cómo están querida gente de hive hoy les traigo un cover o una interpretación como lo queramos llamar de la música un año más de Sebastián yatra un cantante y compositor que personalmente para mí es de admirar sus letras son bastante conmovedoras y me hace recordar que lo importante no siempre es la complejidad de una pieza sino lo que transmite, que hay piezas complejas que también transmiten mucho pues si, no obstante las piezas de este cantante y compositor particularmente son sencillas de tocar y eso no quita el hecho de que puedan transmitir muchísimo partiendo del principio "transmitir es más importante que la complejidad".

Recuerdo que esta música me la aprendí cuando tenía como dos meses tocando la guitarra y no me salía muy bien tocar y cantarla me costaba bastante 😅 sin embargo como todo en esta vida fue cuestión de práctica y constancia que a los meses o al año no recuerdo exactamente ya podía tocar y cantar tranquilamente esta música.

Se dice que esta música salió en el año 2018 la verdad es que traté de investigar por diferentes fuentes y otras me dicen que el 2020 u otros 2019 pero bueno cabe destacar que es una excelente pieza sin más nada que decir espero que lo disfruten tanto como yo lo disfruté.

How are you dear people of hive today I bring you a cover or an interpretation as we want to call it of the music one more year of Sebastián Yatra a singer and composer that personally for me is to admire his lyrics are quite moving and makes me remember that the important thing is not always the complexity of a piece but what it transmits, that there are complex pieces that also transmit a lot yes, however the pieces of this singer and composer in particular are simple to play and that does not take away the fact that they can transmit a lot starting from the principle "transmitting is more important than complexity".

I remember that I learned this music when I was about two months old playing the guitar and I was not very good at playing and singing it was quite difficult for me 😅 however like everything in this life it was a matter of practice and perseverance that after months or a year I do not remember exactly I could already play and sing this music.

Calmly It is said that this music came out in 2018 the truth is that I tried to investigate through different sources and others tell me that 2020 or others 2019 But well, it should be noted that it is an excellent piece, without anything else to say. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed it.


Que bonita interpretación mi amigo me gusto mucho de verdad te luciste por ello un gran aplauso

What a beautiful interpretation, my friend, I really liked you, you showed off for that, a big round of applause


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Here is an example Promo Video by 1st, 2nd & 3rd place winner @sunsethunter, which is simple and effective, and you can also include how everyone who participates earns money


Feel free to also include the “How To Enter The Vibes Contest Post” created by @jessicaossom which helps answer most questions for newcomers into the competition


For more info on the promo videos, check @lordbutterfly’s most recent post.

Rapper/Beat Producer/Pianist/& An Official Vibes Judge

@Verbal-D & The Vibes Team
