Movie As A Replacement For Music || Afro-Inleo Initiative 13



Music is a form of art that involves the combination of vocals and instrumentals to give pleasure to people listening to it. Aside from entertaining people, music has always played a lot of vital roles in the lives of people around us. It can serve as therapy, helping people to treat or reduce stress, anxiety, pain, or depression. Music can also make a person laugh, dance, and boost their mood and confidence. Music can be enjoyed at any time of the day, and it's highly beneficial to our bodies.

I love music a lot, which is why I enjoy listening to it almost every day. When I wake up in the morning, the first thing I do after my morning devotion is turn on my music to calm myself down and improve my confidence for the day. I also listen to music during working hours to increase my concentration and fill my mind with positive thoughts. Music has always held a special place in my heart, it always lifts my spirits and brings me joy, comfort, and happiness.

However, if there were no music at all, the only thing I could use to replace it would be movies. I grew up watching Disney movies, and even now, I still enjoy watching films whenever I'm less busy. To me, music and movies play similar roles in our lives. Movies are more than just entertainment, they can be used to tell different stories, educate, and motivate us to achieve all our goals in life. Movies tell different stories, and some of the stories are usually the true lives of people who have passed through a lot in life to achieve success. These stories are mostly used to educate and motivate us to keep chasing our dreams.

Another reason why I can use movies to replace music is that movies are fun and entertaining, and it's one of the best ways to reduce stress and anxiety. Watching movies can help us forget our problems and fill our hearts with joy, laughter, and happiness. Whenever I come back from work feeling tired and stressed, I often watch movies to reduce stress and boost my mood. Even watching a movie that you enjoy can help turn negative thoughts into positive ones.

Lastly, just like music, we can learn a lot of things through movies. For example, I love watching Korean, Chinese, or American movies, and through those movies, I have learned a lot of things. Watching movies in a foreign language can help us improve our listening, comprehension, and vocabulary skills. Through movies, you can learn new languages and speak other countries languages easily and fluently. Watching movies from other countries or states can also help us learn about different cultures.

In conclusion, assuming a world where there is no music, movies are the only thing that I can use to replace music. Watching movies also plays a lot of vital roles in our lives. movie are fun, entertaining, and can be used to reduce stress.

Here is my entry for the Afri-Inleo weekly prompt. A World Without Music: Tell Us One Thing That Can Replace Music for You. AFRI-INLEO INITIATIVE 13. To also participate, you can check out this link:

Thanks for your time on my blog.

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This is an amazing one and I love how you shared your experience.


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